Shu Ying The Blogger, Online Streaming, Social Media Tricks, Reviews, Market Research And More: My Life
Showing posts with label My Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Life. Show all posts

Saturday, August 7, 2021

When You Extra Flavour Your Dish


I just had my stink bean dish just now. Stink beans is hard to prepare, if you do not clean the stink beans properly, you would extra flavour the dish. It is actually a worm that live in stink beans, just like a dried shrimp or dried prawn when cooked. So it is funny is someone tell it has dried shrimp when you say you did not place any.

It depends on how the beans are cutted, if you saw cooked stink beans which cut in half in whole beans, the beans unopened during preparation, don't it eat, you will eat the  "dried prawn" or "dried shrimp". I remembered it so well because I seen many shapes of cutted stink beans, I wondered if the creative cutting remove the worm.

Monday, July 5, 2021

I Played Car Racing Game


I played car racing game on phone, I get top 4 place when I started playing, but now I ended up ranked second from bottom. I am so bad at drifting, I found out I can't drift and drive at same time. Have you ever thought of pressing the brake but the car is braking instead of drifting, that is what I thought about, the car drifted slowly in the race. I managed to finish the race at the end.

Sunday, July 4, 2021

A Germany Trip Way Back In Year 2016- Part 2

It was a group tour to Germany, we visited Ratskeller for dinner, I missed out their pork knuckle. Which because I feel to have fish in my dinner. The picture below is my dinner:

As you can see the first picture is the menu and there is additional of potato fritter like a hash brown, and the side is a sauerkraut in second picture. Ratskeller sauerkraut has more cinnamon or cumin taste in it. So the third picture is a fish fillet and I am just feeling too full from my previous meal I haven't finish digested.  

A Germany Trip Way Back In Year 2016- Part 1

 I visited Germany in 2016 after I replaced my father who won a prize of A Trip to Germany by BMW. This is a picture of Emirates Airline food, how I think about the food, Emirates offered several meals on airplane in one way, which I lost count. And you can see here are the two meals:

I am surprised how tender was the beef of stewed beef with mash potato. It was well seasoned, it comes with a cake as dessert and offered a dish of salad. The next meal is croissant with coffee and fruits, the cheese and olive dish is appetizing. The coffee is just a light coffee and overall it makes people feel so full. It was after a few meals, such a satisfaction.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

What Am I doing Now

Unsure of what should be done, I am impressed at how people have all kinds of hobbies and activities and they have so many ambitions. Should I eat like normal, spend time like normal, or try out something new. You know how to laugh. This is how we laugh:





Do you feel happier after laughing, this means you really need laughter.

Laugher is good, especially you know when you had nothing to do. Then you found your sense of direction after laughing and know what to do after laughing, isn't laugher good?

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Food Court Menu

Sometimes I just laughed at how the stall owner in my university pronounce certain words:

Nasi goreng siput (aka seafood)
Thai goreng (aka nasi goreng Thailand)
Kampung goreng (aka nasi goreng kampung)

Hot hot at the range!

I went to archery range at university stadium, it was hot at the time and it was quite far around 1 to 2km, imagine have to cycle on slopes.

Cycle 40 mins to reach there.
No fan.
No roof.
Dry breeze blowing.
~ I chose 30m distance to archery target.

I Wonder How I Wonder Why

This is all about archery.
So hard to understand mechanism of archery.
It looks like weight lifting which gradually increase
the weight or poundage in archery.
Should I increase the poundage?
How much I can bear?
These keep running in my head~
Not the suitable time to add clicker~ hmm~
Otherwise, length of arrow shaft need to be cut.

A broken arrow and a broken heart

How many arrow left after one is broken in archery?
How many heart is left?
no more~
T.T my arrow~

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Am I older enough to make my own decision?

Please show me the right path…

But I believe and can’t deny that every ‘right path’ that we chosen have twist and turns everywhere..

Branching at several points at the wrong time and wrong place…

And somehow you need to make a swift turn to make things right….

In the Middle of the night…

Driving in a car with 4 passengers,

3 at the back, 1 on my left.

A: Break break….

B: Stoppp…. You’re about to hit the red light…

C: No no… keep moving.. ‘Add oiLLL’

D: Hey.. shut up .. AND DRIVE!!

Too much opinion.. You must be strong on your stand..

SHHHhhhh… Don’t listen to others…

GPS: Turn left, turn right… 500m to the highway…..OPps

(NO graphic shown) Please update your firmware!!

Sometimes even GPS got you the wrong way..

Ohh.. no.. Police stopped my car..

Hey miss you drive in the opposite direction..

***Have to start all over again..

>>>driving in dark without guidance…

Random Thought~

Just finished the first, second, and third paper…..1, 2, 3….. 2 more to go…

Come on…. Don’t be so up set with what already past… The past is the past not worth to think about it…~~~ Unless it was for taking a lesson… Can’t make up your mind? Fling a coin.. let’s see what is the outcome.. head or tail.. follow your instinct.

My daily routine in UPM:

Waking up before sunrise.

Take a bath.. put on the cloths. .. walk down the stairs…

Down even bother to count the number of stair case..

Attend the morning lecture.. .. sticking eyes on the clock..

Almost the time.. Tick, tick, tick, times up.

Yeah! Walk out from the lecture hall…

3 hours break between lectures..

Go back to hostel and take a nap…

Finished class..

Fill up my empty stomach… goreng2…sup2.. rebus2

Ahh satisfied!

.. lie on the bed, rest for awhile..

Get up!

On the facebook…

Ta da!

Lowered my butt on the mattress .. lie down.. close my eyes.... Sleepzzzzz

The Best Ever Childhood Memory

I think my best ever childhood memory is to be able to sleep with my mum on her bed together with all my siblings. In the morning when we wake up we found out ourselves lying on our own bed.. funny? Nope. During the night our dad carry us (those who’re thin), drag us(those who’re heavy) up till our bed. When we grown up only realized how hard ‘HIS’ life was without the ‘private moment’ with my mum.

Now I wanted to say that congrats dad every single effort that you put had ‘PAID OFF’ to enjoy private moment with my mum.

I feel sorry to say this. By the way.. MUM bed is too good to sleep on.

Anyway, you should have bought good and springy mattress for us to prevent this thing to happen in the earlier.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Eerie dream

It was such a long and dragging dream but it just happened in a short while(1 hour) .There was a class in my former school Air Panas Girl School. If not mistaken it was an English lesson Pn. Shahrul was teaching . Suddenly I saw a girl wanted to enter the class, she never open the door instead she slides in through the narrow seam beneath the door with her fluid body. How on earth!!!

Both doors front and the rear door were locked. I can't seem to get out the class and I can't even slide beneath it. Then, one girl opened the door and quickly ran out from there. Walked pass a red car, a familiar face sitting inside the car.. was my dear teacher. Something went wrong with her, dark circles surrounding the eyes area and she shielded herself from sunlight. I suspect she 'kena rasuk'...

Back from school. I saw my friend lye kean was chatting with a junior. As I entered my house, I realised it was dark as if the electricity was cut off, I went out to call lye kean to accompany me . In outside, the sky was so dark, I barely can see. Lye kean was missing I call her name several times, still no response. I saw a bystander standing far from me i thought it was lye kean... it ends up becoming a 'huge mistake'. I grab its hand and scrutinizing its face, startled to see the person was not a 'human'. Looks like a saber-toothed vampire in Japanese clothing.

I said bye bye to the ghost. Frantically ran to my house without realizing it was following me from behind. I closed the wooden door with a jerk. In a trice the door opened again, it confused me as I closed the gate inside instead of the wooden door. I kindly asked ghost to close the door for me. It responded in a way neither nodding nor moving the head side ways but swinging the face like see saw.

I climbed the stairs to second floor and looked down, my eyes filled with horror to found that it diffuse through the door and followed me. Luckily my cousin was in the second floor. I talk to her that a ghost was chasing me. She noded and bring me to a room to hide from the ghost. In the room, I remained static to avoid movement and breath slightly to make sure the ghost will not sense me.

In a sudden, I woke up from dream and i found myself curled up like a snake on the bed.

Friday, August 21, 2009

ATTENTION!!! L6S1 New Time Table

This new time table will take effect right after school holidays. Click on the image to view in bigger size.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Drying cheerleading pom poms

Lelong, lelong, sotong kering(dried squid), 1 for RM5.
Gotcha, they were pom poms actually.

Haiz ... I made these pom poms for cheer leading competition because I am not involved in cheer. Guess what? I can't stand the dusty pom poms and I went to wash them. From the picture above you can see the pom poms were hung at the cloth stand in order to dry them.

Pc Fair

Today is the last day of PC Fair in KLCC. So crowded, we barely can walk. List of items which we bought from there :

  1. Holuva GPS-my dad
  2. Nokia phone (touch screen one)-my dad
  3. Seagate 320GB External Hard Disk- my brother
  4. RM69!! Samsung 1.8 inch 30G external hard disk(the pic above)-me
  5. Cheap RM20 A4 Tech key board-my brother
  6. Name card scanner-my dad
  7. Audio Cable-my brother

If I total up the overall expenses will be over two thousand. Including RM8 Car park fare, petrol.

Push push push, press press press.

The story of two water boilers Featuring 2 water boilers, grandpa and my dad(Agoi=teochew name)

Grandpa: Agoi, you know, yesterday my water boiler spoiled.
Agoi: How come? It is still new, just bought yesterday.
Grandpa: If you don't believe please come to my room I'll show it to you.

In the room
Grandpa demonstrated how he 'pushed' the water boiler. 'Push, push push , still no water comes out. =_="

Agoi: No wonder lah no water comes out. There is a button, you must press the button then only the water will comes out automatically. Ai yo... grandpa, this is a high tech boiler, it used to be pressed not 'push, push, push' like the conventional, old water boiler. Moreover you switched off the electrical supply( he don't want to waste electricity), how can this device work without electric supply?

Grandpa: Huh? (Stared at my dad, he still don't understand, senile already.)

Agoi: Never mind lah, never mind lah...(he know the old man wouldn't understand whenever he explained) .. I exchange my old boiler with yours.

After receiving the old water boiler

Grandpa: Yeah, yeah! My water boiler is working finally.


Friday, July 17, 2009

Closing Ceremony of Orientation Day

Today is a special day for all form sixers where we were allowed or forced (the reluctance) to wear traditional dress. I admit that I'm one of those who reluctant to wear. So what did I wear in this morning? Ta.. da.. a baju kurung (Malay dress). Foremost, I really regretted of not bringing my camera to school, at least I can take my friends photos and look how graceful they were when wearing traditional dress.

Two seniors were announced to be the winner of the most favourite seniors, they were syazana the prefect and a chubby guy of Robotic Club's chairman. The funny thing was Hasrin, the MC mistakenly pronounced Mr Jamali name, he pronounced: " Mr Jamali binti ....(a female name) where was supposed to be "Mr Jamali bin ....(a male).. haha everybody was shocked yet amused by the situation. "Hahaha!", we laughed.. Before the ceremony end, teacher warned us about our attire. One important message from her which I coundn't forget was " wearing baju kurung must wear sport shoes!" Ha? So odd.

Later, we went to canteen for a feast (my breakfast). I was so ravenous at that time, can't wait to eat. Same went to Katrine whom was the first to ask me whether I was hungry. After gobbled up the main course - chicken rice, we go for the next menu, the dessert-Malay cakes and watermelon. Then, Shafikah offered us some chocolate cup cakes made by her. I accepted that offer appreciatively although I can't eat anymore.

After that, we took photograph together at the telephone booth, Chairatul was seen so happy to pose with the public phone... 'I have no idea ~_~''

Lastly, I went back to class to take my belongings and attending Chinese Society meeting. Reached home around 2.20pm.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Yeah! My Mom's back!

Finally, through 3 weeks of waiting. Finally she reached home. I asked her whether grandpa has fully recovered from the surgery? She replied:" No, there is still a little rash at the buttock there (he was a diabetic), but the doctor said he was allowed to go home. You know, I get a lesson from my mom. Care for your parents! Although sometimes the elderly are very troublesome like my grandma(my father side) but that is our responsibility as the children. The most important thing to care for is their diet, don't ever let them becoming diabetics. Why? First, if there is any small wound on them if not noticed the wound area will extend, causing gangrene.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Ghost Story

My Indonesian baby sitter (my mama) told me some ghost stories. About 'hantu kongkong' who is a female becoming a ghost after she was dead from giving birth.

The first story which she told me a long time a go. I still remember:

When I was working with a Datuk Mentar Hashim, there was a friend of mine, he worked as a security guard at night. At the middle of the night, he heard someone calling him for help. There was a female , she was about to give birth, she cried for help and was in great pain. The security guard quickly took her to hospital . But then, he was unconscious and when he woke up he found that he was sleeping on the grave for the whole night! Which means the ghost had carried(cheated) him a long way to the grave. No joke! It was a true story that happened at the grave located nearby the old place of Dewan Pustaka, Kuala Lumpur.

When I was small she always tell me ghost stories, she was a very good story teller/narrator. Sometimes I can't sleep after listening to her story, it was so eerie.

Today she told me about this hantu kongkong again.

During childhood time I saw a ghost. It happened at night in the dark street. A female ghost whose resemble a human took a ride on a bullock cart, when it reached her destination she paid the driver with Indonesian note (rupiah) and went off. It was so normal that the driver not even aware that she was a ghost. Suddenly something happened.... the note turned out to be a scrap of zinc roof!

So spooky...
I hope I can sleep comfortably tonight..
Bye, good night!


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