Shu Ying The Blogger, Online Streaming, Social Media Tricks, Reviews, Market Research And More: Random Thought~

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Random Thought~

Just finished the first, second, and third paper…..1, 2, 3….. 2 more to go…

Come on…. Don’t be so up set with what already past… The past is the past not worth to think about it…~~~ Unless it was for taking a lesson… Can’t make up your mind? Fling a coin.. let’s see what is the outcome.. head or tail.. follow your instinct.

My daily routine in UPM:

Waking up before sunrise.

Take a bath.. put on the cloths. .. walk down the stairs…

Down even bother to count the number of stair case..

Attend the morning lecture.. .. sticking eyes on the clock..

Almost the time.. Tick, tick, tick, times up.

Yeah! Walk out from the lecture hall…

3 hours break between lectures..

Go back to hostel and take a nap…

Finished class..

Fill up my empty stomach… goreng2…sup2.. rebus2

Ahh satisfied!

.. lie on the bed, rest for awhile..

Get up!

On the facebook…

Ta da!

Lowered my butt on the mattress .. lie down.. close my eyes.... Sleepzzzzz

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