Shu Ying The Blogger, Online Streaming, Social Media Tricks, Reviews, Market Research And More: Ghost Story

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Ghost Story

My Indonesian baby sitter (my mama) told me some ghost stories. About 'hantu kongkong' who is a female becoming a ghost after she was dead from giving birth.

The first story which she told me a long time a go. I still remember:

When I was working with a Datuk Mentar Hashim, there was a friend of mine, he worked as a security guard at night. At the middle of the night, he heard someone calling him for help. There was a female , she was about to give birth, she cried for help and was in great pain. The security guard quickly took her to hospital . But then, he was unconscious and when he woke up he found that he was sleeping on the grave for the whole night! Which means the ghost had carried(cheated) him a long way to the grave. No joke! It was a true story that happened at the grave located nearby the old place of Dewan Pustaka, Kuala Lumpur.

When I was small she always tell me ghost stories, she was a very good story teller/narrator. Sometimes I can't sleep after listening to her story, it was so eerie.

Today she told me about this hantu kongkong again.

During childhood time I saw a ghost. It happened at night in the dark street. A female ghost whose resemble a human took a ride on a bullock cart, when it reached her destination she paid the driver with Indonesian note (rupiah) and went off. It was so normal that the driver not even aware that she was a ghost. Suddenly something happened.... the note turned out to be a scrap of zinc roof!

So spooky...
I hope I can sleep comfortably tonight..
Bye, good night!

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