Shu Ying The Blogger, Online Streaming, Social Media Tricks, Reviews, Market Research And More: During Years in School
Showing posts with label During Years in School. Show all posts
Showing posts with label During Years in School. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Eerie dream

It was such a long and dragging dream but it just happened in a short while(1 hour) .There was a class in my former school Air Panas Girl School. If not mistaken it was an English lesson Pn. Shahrul was teaching . Suddenly I saw a girl wanted to enter the class, she never open the door instead she slides in through the narrow seam beneath the door with her fluid body. How on earth!!!

Both doors front and the rear door were locked. I can't seem to get out the class and I can't even slide beneath it. Then, one girl opened the door and quickly ran out from there. Walked pass a red car, a familiar face sitting inside the car.. was my dear teacher. Something went wrong with her, dark circles surrounding the eyes area and she shielded herself from sunlight. I suspect she 'kena rasuk'...

Back from school. I saw my friend lye kean was chatting with a junior. As I entered my house, I realised it was dark as if the electricity was cut off, I went out to call lye kean to accompany me . In outside, the sky was so dark, I barely can see. Lye kean was missing I call her name several times, still no response. I saw a bystander standing far from me i thought it was lye kean... it ends up becoming a 'huge mistake'. I grab its hand and scrutinizing its face, startled to see the person was not a 'human'. Looks like a saber-toothed vampire in Japanese clothing.

I said bye bye to the ghost. Frantically ran to my house without realizing it was following me from behind. I closed the wooden door with a jerk. In a trice the door opened again, it confused me as I closed the gate inside instead of the wooden door. I kindly asked ghost to close the door for me. It responded in a way neither nodding nor moving the head side ways but swinging the face like see saw.

I climbed the stairs to second floor and looked down, my eyes filled with horror to found that it diffuse through the door and followed me. Luckily my cousin was in the second floor. I talk to her that a ghost was chasing me. She noded and bring me to a room to hide from the ghost. In the room, I remained static to avoid movement and breath slightly to make sure the ghost will not sense me.

In a sudden, I woke up from dream and i found myself curled up like a snake on the bed.

Friday, August 21, 2009

ATTENTION!!! L6S1 New Time Table

This new time table will take effect right after school holidays. Click on the image to view in bigger size.

Friday, July 31, 2009


hoho, finished exam. It was tiring, tired of thinking and writing. Waiting to be punished .. afraid exam will fail. Already know highest scorer for PA, Low Kiat Yin. She scored 84, followed by jia xin and shafikah. Chemistry is the scariest. It is the most 'cerewet' subject (recalling the word from ex chemistry teacher). I found it to be true only in STPM. Example: answers must be in exactly 3 significant figure, while some have exceptional case, must follow the number of decimal place of the previous number. Then, a lot of 'rules and regulation' to obey in order to get the correct answer. When writing equation of chemical reaction must write physical states which we all never did during SPM, we even being advised not to write, in case if one of the physical states wrongly written, the whole thing will be gone! Hopefully everything will be all right. I pray day and night. ~_~

Friday, July 24, 2009

Majlis Anugerah Cemerlang

We waited so long before the event start. Some of us seems to be very hard working. Especially Jia Xin(picture below). She closed her ears to avoid from being distracted by noise. I wanted to suggest her: "remember to bring ear plugs next time!'.If not I can give you mine too, I got it from the shooting practice in PLKN, still keeping them safely in my drawer, I know that it's going to be very useful next time. Then, the first performance was Tarian 'Piring' , Sorry I don't know its real name actually. I knew every dancer was holding 1 plate in each hand. After that was prize giving ceremony. So many students and teachers queue up to receive awards and prizes. The ceremony was so lengthy, it was unbearable for me, buttock was in pain because we've been seating for too long. Just after the MC announced the ceremony was end, I go to eat in canteen.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Super Cooling Lesson From Pn. Chew

The note size can be enlarged by clicking directly on the image to view in bigger size.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Biology books. Which is the best?

In your opinion, which biology book is the best?
  1. Campbell biology
  2. Cambridge Biological Science (low price edition)
  3. Cambridge Biological Science 1 & 2
  4. Pelangi biology
  5. Longman biology
  6. Oxford Advanced biology
  7. Pearson biology
  8. Mcgrawhill biology from Raven and Johnson
Mcgrawhill -Raven & Johnson Biology book

For me, I still favor all of the oversea books. Especially Mcgrawhill biology and Cambridge biological science. Lots of input from them. Campbell.. I think it has less info and the worst case is the heavy and bulkiest book. I think it is the heaviest book in my house presently. Even some of the readers suggested that Campbell to be divided into two small books.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Closing Ceremony of Orientation Day

Today is a special day for all form sixers where we were allowed or forced (the reluctance) to wear traditional dress. I admit that I'm one of those who reluctant to wear. So what did I wear in this morning? Ta.. da.. a baju kurung (Malay dress). Foremost, I really regretted of not bringing my camera to school, at least I can take my friends photos and look how graceful they were when wearing traditional dress.

Two seniors were announced to be the winner of the most favourite seniors, they were syazana the prefect and a chubby guy of Robotic Club's chairman. The funny thing was Hasrin, the MC mistakenly pronounced Mr Jamali name, he pronounced: " Mr Jamali binti ....(a female name) where was supposed to be "Mr Jamali bin ....(a male).. haha everybody was shocked yet amused by the situation. "Hahaha!", we laughed.. Before the ceremony end, teacher warned us about our attire. One important message from her which I coundn't forget was " wearing baju kurung must wear sport shoes!" Ha? So odd.

Later, we went to canteen for a feast (my breakfast). I was so ravenous at that time, can't wait to eat. Same went to Katrine whom was the first to ask me whether I was hungry. After gobbled up the main course - chicken rice, we go for the next menu, the dessert-Malay cakes and watermelon. Then, Shafikah offered us some chocolate cup cakes made by her. I accepted that offer appreciatively although I can't eat anymore.

After that, we took photograph together at the telephone booth, Chairatul was seen so happy to pose with the public phone... 'I have no idea ~_~''

Lastly, I went back to class to take my belongings and attending Chinese Society meeting. Reached home around 2.20pm.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Handsome guy!

Before that I would like to wish Happy Teachers Day to all of the teachers in SMK Tinggi Setapak. Just after the Teachers Day Celebration, we the girls gang gathering at the field watching guys playing basketball. Suddenly, I noticed my friend, seah pei eyes were glued to somebody else. She was so excited, pointing at the red and white shirt guy saying that he was so tall and handsome. The other members noticed the guy too. Expressing how they liked that guy. That guy name was Johnson who was my brother's old friend since primary school. This is another handsome guy. Jun Pei and Jun Yi have been driven crazy by this guy. They call him wax sausage.... (real name: xue pei 'accompany to study if direct translate from chinese') I really don't know what is the reason he is given the name.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

I told her everthing!!! Is that a mistake?

I've been vanished from blog sphere for a long time and now I'm back again. Kinda busy these days with schools and homeworks...etc

Back to the topic... Think you might be guessing telling' who'? Oo ya let me tell you a secret. Today I pour all of my feeling and my personal story to 'her'. Guess what? She is my dear Chemistry teacher-Pn. C (sorry I cannot disclose her name here) .

I told her about 'thing' that is really bugging me. My aunt want me to take care my grandma in Pulau Pinang for a 'few days'. I'm not sure is it really only a 'few days'? Or a few weeks? I don't understand why so many relatives she don't want to chose always choose me?

A few facts that I need to bring for consideration:
  • I don't know how long I'll be there??
  • I need time to do revision (take note that form 6 is not a kindergarden)
  • I'm not too familiar with the Pulau Pinang relatives( the doctor uncle and aunt who I seldom talk to )
  • Can I do revision there? I am afraid no...
  • If I don't go my sis and dad will definitely talk bad about me( bad grandaughther, lazy, many excuses not faithful.. etc)
  • If I'm alone there I afraid I cannot handle the situation.. pity grandma, she is old, immobile, don't want to eat(she always said she wants to die...choy, choy.. haiz.. )
  • The main problem is that I cannot understand her Hokkien dialect and she also cannot understand my Mandarin language.. Haiz...In addition she will scold me 'xiao za bo' which means stupid girl when she don't understand.
You know how Pn. C advice me? " You charge yourself with positive charge and then the positively charged aunt will repel from you. Then she will change her mind." .. Haha LOL Chemistry meh? the quoted statement is just a joke.. don't believe in that... The real one.. She adviced me to discuss with my parents and aunt.' Anything can be solved if you talk to them'.

Then, I realise that I was a few minutes late to maths T class... when I glance through my watch. You know, a few minutes late for math class will make a big difference (eg. cannot catch up with the lesson). I said thanks to teacher and wish her a Happy Teachers Day and quickly ran to my class together with my friend.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Kids In My School Bus

Primary school kids chatting and playing around with friends
The back view of the bus targeting the kids at the back. One of the girl stared at my camera.

Orientation Day

It is a mandatory to attend Setapak High School Orientation week for form 6. As usual I woke up early at about 6 am, take a shower, dress up and eat. I walked lazily to the bus stand impatiently waiting for the bus to fetch me to school. Well, that was my first day to school after a long break.

This is my second time(the first time was on the last Friday) stepped into the Setapak High School compound. I still had no idea about the school, which way to go, so I met up a pretty form 6 senior, she showed me the direction to canteen and Dewan Wawasan. The registration will start a 8 o'clock, still one more hour to go. I picked up a book and read, sometimes looking around curiously at school buildings, male students, try to observe and get familiar with it.

Then, cleaners came to sweep the floor, the first thought came into my mind:" why don't go to the canteen, nobody is here." I followed my sense, went to the canteen. I felt weird when I saw boys around me(I came from a girl school), chit chatting among themselves. I try to focus on my book, keep reading.

At 8 o'clock I went to the registration counter, shocked to find that most of my friends already arrived at the school. I greeted them with friendly gesture.

We went to the Dewan Wawasan to hear talks from form 6 teachers and headmaster. A male teacher explained to us about MUET and Pn. chew a chemistry teacher talked about PNGK, purata nilai gred keseluruhan and all sorts of things which we need to know.

Today still the same, endless speeches and we were seating at the chair with stiffed butts and legs for hours long. Suddenly the Puan Penyelaras Ting.6 asked us to shift the chair to a new avenue---the indoor hall. She gave the last speech before the clock struck 1.10pm (usual time is 1.00pm) only then she willingly let us leave.

I sprang out like mad to the bus station, I can't miss the school bus. I promised the uncle (bus driver) to take bus at 1.15pm. That's the only transport to go home! I took the bus and go home happily.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Sending The Books Back to The SPBT Room

Luvlynn was so busy with the books while the teacher was checking the books sent, whether they were complete. Everybody was queuing up to pass up the books. It was a common scene after the SPM was finished.

Thank you teachers!

Teachers, thank you for looking after us, care for our 'needs'.

What happen in the last day of SPM?

Geography was the last subject. We were so relax. Layveeniea and the gang were joking and laughing. Me too... I was not looking serious neither. I was trying to be serious but I can't!

We have finished !Look!
They were teachers (guru pemeriksa) from Sekolah Menengah Teknik Setapak. Those teachers were busy packing. Then we helped the one of the teacher shift some stuffs to her car.


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