Shu Ying The Blogger, Online Streaming, Social Media Tricks, Reviews, Market Research And More: Content Creation
Showing posts with label Content Creation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Content Creation. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

What Are My Frequently Use Terminologies?

Readers or viewers of blog feel the writings of blog hard to understand, i will tell you the truth of it, in marketings and advertisings terminology and logical writing so much follow standard of living, it takes a lot on level of wealth of people. You will seldom see a well written blog which look like from writing competition, rather rough written blog, you felt the writing never adjusted, better say it as there are no better terminology to write in marketing and advertisings.

New terminology to look at, first, paid sponsored products. What are paid sponsored products? These are products which are advertised organically by the Youtube channel creators, manufacturers of the products will pay the advertising fees to Youtube to advertise as paid sponsored products.

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Creation of Content For Other Types Of Paid Sponsored Products

Video above showing influencer marketing.

We are looking into creation of other types of content for paid sponsored products. We will really like to drive more views but it comes with a more premium content, high classy content, so what are they, the answer is wealthy persons turn Youtube content creators, Youtube channel creators with convincing look.

Wealthy persons men or woman aged 20 to 50 fashionable, handsome, beautiful,woman with good make up, men with good stylings can be hired by Youtube to create content. The reasons are wealthy men, women used to purchase fashions, another good reasons are they know the stylings, fashions of standard human beings, higher salary group, business person. The fashions are good to combine with other paid sponsored products. They look convincing to promote items, because fashionable men, woman look very artist like. Suggested the pay at 200,000USD+++ to 310,000USD+++ per month per person with additional 70,000USD to 150,000USD allowance per month per person with other paid views just like other Youtube creators with Super Thanks functions. Remember that the wealthy person which create contents are normal human which just like employees vacancy, Youtube have to look for these wealthy person to hire them to become content creators of Youtube videos. Later Youtube will give them "accessories" which are "catalogues" of paid sponsored products which not yet being distributed to content creators but already being given by interested manufacturers. We understood fashion products and some other products are not easy to do the content, therefore they are given "accessories" and "catalogues" for combinations. Content creation by wealthy persons are completely different from standard creators possibly standard creators are good at all price range product while wealthy person are better at showing the beauty of product, the premium of the product, trend setter. While maintaining interaction with viewers with live chat, the viewers can ask the channel creators about their personal life, the channel creators will reply, the channel creator can do the life chat at any time in his or her daily life, greetings the viewers, say out the viewers names which chat with channel creators while eating, gym, etc, this creates loyal viewers, at the same time the channel creator can leave soft copy of their business card if available at their Youtube's About. Some other categories of paid sponsored video are shown here:

  1. paid sponsored product which comes with extra furniture 
  2. paid sponsored product which comes with with accessories 
  3. paid sponsored product which comes with  with other styling products (for example fashion)
  4. different prices of paid sponsored video content 

#What are paid sponsored products, paid sponsored videos? These are products which are advertised organically by the Youtube channel creators, manufacturers of the products will pay the advertising fees to Youtube to advertise as paid sponsored products or paid sponsored videos.

Friday, April 14, 2023

Looking For Celebrities Gossips

Content creations for celebrities gossips requires a lot of works such as purchasing celebrities informations, inviting celebrities for interview and more.

With analogy of "shop owners" Youtube can hire the "shop owners" making channel of their "shop" with their employees with names of their employees or other name of the Youtube channel to make organic, informal gossips, over the phone video interview(depend on pricings), photos, videos of private life of celebrities(some with pricings), Youtube can also request some other latest private life, saucy, hot informations or gossips from record labels, film companies(some with pricings). The " shops" are such as record labels, celebrities magazines, Broadway film companies. Only sometimes, paid sponsorship products can also be shown on the video. Youtube can offer them 200,000 USD+++ to 600,000USD+++ per month for per "shop" of the celebrities, the "celebrity shop" which open the channel can receive paid views or getting pay per view like usual Youtube creators with Super Thanks functions. The Youtube channels of celebrities are very beneficial for more views in Youtube.

Other than that Ticketmaster "shop" can also be hired as a "shop" to introduce new shows, concerts, new events, more, gossips, behind the scenes and interviewing new celebrities, same as written above, Ticketmaster "shop" can receive paid views or getting pay per view like usual Youtube creators. Every ticketmaster shop offered at 200,000USD+++ per "shop".

Looking For Shops Owners Product Reviews Content Creation

Creating content for product reviews are complicated. 

Video above showing organic advertisings.

Hiring shop owners for product reviews are new content and videos creation other than paid sponsored videos. Youtube can hire shop owners from 160,000 USD to 200,000 USD per month per shop owner, for high performer 310,000USD to 410,000USD per month per shop will be offered and they can have extra paid views earnings like other creators with Super Thanks functions. What they can do is looking for functional unit of product, product accessories(for display, for sample for example) from their suppliers to create reviews and their good understanding of products and product accessories on their own creativities and sponsored video can also function together with it, the functional units of product for display, sample means they can be used like usual, for example coffee maker can be used for making coffee, the jig saw can be used for sawing wood, camping cooking equipment can be used for cooking, making dishes. It all depends on paid sponsored products on highest demands and the paid sponsored products review to be done by the shop owners. Treat the videos like buyers purchasing from them, what packages of product, products, goods sold together with the product they will recommend to them. Show the buyers the view of videos of selecting products, product accessories from products shelf and displaying the products, accessories, goods sold together with the product just chosen just now on the glass cabinet or table. The shop owners will do live chat with buyer,  when new product arrive or almost the day to return the sample goods to suppliers, manufacturers through Youtube, the potential buyers, viewers can ask the shop owners about the goods and shop owners will show it, the functions like the viewers are at the shop, for example pressing button on coffee machine, electric appliances, try out function, accessories if there are samples, as requested by viewers in the chat, shop owners will also do outdoors, different settings of the backdrop of shop, such as living room, party, extra furniture can be requested from manufacturers through Youtube, shop owners can invite viewers to shop for viewing the products and place their shop address at their Youtube or Youtube's About . Of course other organic content Youtubers function as usual, they can create new content also. Organic content creator can also do collaboration with them.

#What are paid sponsored products, paid sponsored videos? These are products which are advertised organically by the Youtube channel creators, manufacturers of the products will pay the advertising fees to Youtube to advertise as paid sponsored products, paid sponsored videos.

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Content Creation With Creative Thinking

Photo above showing creative thinking.
Photo taken from:

What are content creation with creative thinking?

Content creations require thinking for interesting video contents. Not everyone has creativeness therefore take time to do it. Such as drawing out with numberings with simple human drawing which only you understand it with several drawings so they create high quality videos and its contents.

Photo above showing back to the whiteboard planning.

Photo taken from:

Another one is print out of humans with drawing of their motions such as walking, print out of sceneries (places you would like to travel to for the videos) and print out of things, items added with paper stands, next acting these paper humans, paper things and items with dialogues and record the videos. These serve as the basic for the video content author want to make for author video with author in the videos. Author can buy a blackboard, white board with tall stand to write extra video content and editings of video contents beside the print out humans, print out things and items.

There are times, the author channels can be encouraged by giving them commissions by adding more views, paid clicks to them on their videos by Google senior staffs. What if you add more views and paid clicks to my blog? It sounds good.

Creating Content With Video Collecting And Sponsored Branding Utilization

Photo above showing content creation by video collection.

Photo taken

Youtube video content making is a complicated process, therefore there is a way to collect the videos first before continue to make videos for author channel. Author can take videos on different sceneries just approximately with their acting skill, explore part of sceneries or corners of the place which are inspiring the acting, if authors used to make prototype of things, items and author wanted to place his or her prototype , or wanted to show a thing or items author can place it in the video, these are video collections. Later author only make a complete video by redo the video in the collections to a video for author's video channel.

There is a way for camping where author can make a camping video with fishnet the throw and catch version of fisherman fishnet, first they place organs, fish for bait and place in ice box or container for one to two days at room temperature so it makes a good bait. They tie the baits on empty large white colour sauce plastic bottles with ropes only. Bring an oar with motorized boat, throw the bottles with bait at front, left, right of the boat, with oar move the boat away from the bottles with bait with distance just enough for harvest. When author see fish biting the baits, harvest by throwing the fishnet towards the plastic bottle with baits.

Creating new recipes are complicated too, because in dishes and desserts we have to separate the foods by a dish component, such cooked meat, the salads, the carbohydate, for example in a fried rice you separate the rice and spices, for steaks you separate the cooked meat, herbs, gravy, salads, cooked vegetables, potatoes on a plate, plate by plate either way. One by one the cooks will study and experiments different type of spices,  different type of  cooked meat, different type of herbs, different type of gravy, different type of  salads,  different type of cooked vegetables, different type of potatoes, different ways of cooking, think of it like your brains have different parts for different thinkings one for arts, one for scientific thinking, just like different brain parts thinking for different component of dishes.

Brand sponsorship content can be done by author show the functions of  the sponsored item in organic way or the beauty of the sponsored item.

Interesting Content Creations

Content creation for videos with interesting content:

Photo above showing camping.
Photo taken from:

Themed camping, survivor series , for example 3 days camping at cliff, you give a theme to the camping. 

For content creation with invention of things, items always to remember doing prototypes with cheaper materials are always good before adding things, items to video, test screen of sceneries are also great so author can choose which place to take the videos for their channel. Remember always start things from small, doing scaled or small sized things maybe 10 to 100x less size than standard items, items with original materials before doing the standard size things, item before adding them to videos. So authors can make more things, items confidently before adding to their videos.

Photo above showing cooking by new recipes.
Photo taken from:

Making new recipes for cooking, especially on new recipes for the carbohydrate portion of dishes, new gravy, stocks recipes.

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Why New Content Creations Are Important?

Content Creations:

Creating new contents are important as guideline to make sure there are always supply of new contents.

Content creations makes video interesting to viewer and viewer will keep following the channels, videos for latest videos. Authors will improve contents making experience for videos by self taught and experimentation.

Content Creations With Creation Of Inventions

New Youtube videos contents creation with creation of inventions:

1. Authors can add interesting things, items into daily activity videos of authors if authors showing videos of their daily activity on that day.

2. Authors can create cooking shows, with secret ingredients added to standard dishes, with garnishes, dishes, desserts which recreated with different designs of the desserts, dishes, for dishes adding other gravies which invented or recreated. 

3. Camping with "catch and release" terrarium with fish oxygen pumps and terrarium's aquarium. Author can create several terrariums with "catch and release" freshwater ornamental fish and aquatic plants from rivers. Author then took video of the terrarium for author videos.

4. Youtube can hire professional chefs for different channels,  purchase coloring, drawing equipments from bakery such as coloring brushes, piping bags, etc to ask the chefs to experiments with drawing with savory food and food with added colorings with bakery drawing equipments purchased just now, the food becomes half completed food, then the chef will replace with standard size, pieces of real foods ingredients with matching colour or other food ingredients, cooked and plated so it becomes completed food dishes.

Friday, March 31, 2023

New Content Creations By Authors

Youtube videos by acting skills are usually practiced, adding special effects, sound effects in video editor.

Acting skills are to be discovered by practicing, inventing, by recording and looking at playbacks, indoors or outdoor acting skills creations.

Sometimes author bring pets, play with their pets, or offering viewers other things to look at such as cooking, eating. What are interesting video segments to look at, it give viewers laugher, happy, excited, unhappy, adventurous, challenging, dissappointments, all kind of emotions, sometimes a good video only give two or three response of emotions to viewers.

Author can introduce newer things, travel to interesting places for videos.

Creating New Content

Video Content

In the previous blog post we talked about new field of video creation, the YouTube videos.

What are the secrets of the content, contents there are four types:

Photo above showing cat in snow.
Photo taken from:

1.Videos content which author wanted to introduce to viewer, such as cuteness, magnificent colours of animals or flowers, rareness of a outdoor scenery, all kind of things which author wanted to introduce to viewers.

2.Newly created video contents, which invented by authors, for example authors wanted to let viewers know fishing at seaside, the abundantness of seafood, smoking to preserve it or making a small pond on beach to keep the seafood alive. Author should experiments to make new inventions of contents and takes times to record it and later include in author videos.

3.Video contents which author interacted with the animals, items, things in the videos for example author play with the animal by making a large snowhouse with tunnels.

4.Video content which author think it is interesting, funny, involve acting skills of authors.

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Paid Sponsored Content Making

Paid Sponsored Youtuber Content Making: 

Youtube videos are quite new actually,  the way video taken, the types of videos are so new, it is basically a field of video which not much discovery being made. I will write the ways to look for new video content in this blogpost:

∆Interesting way of taking videos

∆Exaggerate subject in the videos without video processing

∆Focusing on subject and including different genres of videos 

∆Comedy videos with new way of fun and laugh

∆Product reviews with organic, inorganic with reviews which include professional equipment such as testing its lcd, its ram, its camera of each phones in the review, when the spec is low at a particular price, such as saying it is the best entry level phone you can get at this low level of price.

∆Other contents by a session of generation of ideas and creativity, freeforms video taking by youtubers

#What are paid sponsored products, paid sponsored videos, sponsored video content? These are products which are advertised organically by the Youtube channel creators, manufacturers of the products will pay the advertising fees to Youtube to advertise as paid sponsored products, paid sponsored videos or sponsored video content.


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