Shu Ying The Blogger, Online Streaming, Social Media Tricks, Reviews, Market Research And More: Closing Ceremony of Orientation Day

Friday, July 17, 2009

Closing Ceremony of Orientation Day

Today is a special day for all form sixers where we were allowed or forced (the reluctance) to wear traditional dress. I admit that I'm one of those who reluctant to wear. So what did I wear in this morning? Ta.. da.. a baju kurung (Malay dress). Foremost, I really regretted of not bringing my camera to school, at least I can take my friends photos and look how graceful they were when wearing traditional dress.

Two seniors were announced to be the winner of the most favourite seniors, they were syazana the prefect and a chubby guy of Robotic Club's chairman. The funny thing was Hasrin, the MC mistakenly pronounced Mr Jamali name, he pronounced: " Mr Jamali binti ....(a female name) where was supposed to be "Mr Jamali bin ....(a male).. haha everybody was shocked yet amused by the situation. "Hahaha!", we laughed.. Before the ceremony end, teacher warned us about our attire. One important message from her which I coundn't forget was " wearing baju kurung must wear sport shoes!" Ha? So odd.

Later, we went to canteen for a feast (my breakfast). I was so ravenous at that time, can't wait to eat. Same went to Katrine whom was the first to ask me whether I was hungry. After gobbled up the main course - chicken rice, we go for the next menu, the dessert-Malay cakes and watermelon. Then, Shafikah offered us some chocolate cup cakes made by her. I accepted that offer appreciatively although I can't eat anymore.

After that, we took photograph together at the telephone booth, Chairatul was seen so happy to pose with the public phone... 'I have no idea ~_~''

Lastly, I went back to class to take my belongings and attending Chinese Society meeting. Reached home around 2.20pm.

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