Shu Ying The Blogger, Online Streaming, Social Media Tricks, Reviews, Market Research And More: The Best Ever Childhood Memory

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Best Ever Childhood Memory

I think my best ever childhood memory is to be able to sleep with my mum on her bed together with all my siblings. In the morning when we wake up we found out ourselves lying on our own bed.. funny? Nope. During the night our dad carry us (those who’re thin), drag us(those who’re heavy) up till our bed. When we grown up only realized how hard ‘HIS’ life was without the ‘private moment’ with my mum.

Now I wanted to say that congrats dad every single effort that you put had ‘PAID OFF’ to enjoy private moment with my mum.

I feel sorry to say this. By the way.. MUM bed is too good to sleep on.

Anyway, you should have bought good and springy mattress for us to prevent this thing to happen in the earlier.

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