Shu Ying The Blogger, Online Streaming, Social Media Tricks, Reviews, Market Research And More: Random talk
Showing posts with label Random talk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Random talk. Show all posts

Monday, October 4, 2021

The Next Version Of Sound System

It is time to create the next version of radio and sound bar. Have you ever heard of radio sound like stereo system, it doesn't sound good, it even make the Christina Perry brand new album sound like the one from cassette, so awful. The good news is there are a number of magnetic sound driver  purchased from magnetic sound driver manufacturers which can be used for radio and sound bar. 

The great thing about magnetic sound driver is it can be used to adjust bass level or switching bass on or off. There is a thickness in the magnetic sound driver to choose from. It is good to play music of modern songs,  orchestral concert and just a normal FM radio, and has a usb socket for mp3 songs from pendrive.

Another addition to bass is the clear "clink" and crisp piano sound from orchestra. It is magnetic sound driver which play piano instrument, in symphony piano sound is the most important sound. In any magnetic sound driver it has several several kinds of it, for dj sound mixer you can hear 10 musical instrument from 10 musical instruments sounds, in magnestic sound driver you can hear 6 from 10 musical instruments in it, some can hear 3 from 10 musical instrument it, you can choose to add more musical instrument sound in addition to piano sound. The reason why silicon valley has the potential to make a better radio and sound bar because they have more access to these sound system. It was a large market just for its hardware, because sound system require good craftmanship which constantly tuning the sound.

What Would The Next TV Possibly Be?

After Plasma and LCD, what is the next version of TV be? I think possible TV consist of graphic card. We understood the TV nowadays looks like a Pc monitor, but we are talking about graphic card inside the TV but not inside the CPU.

Aside of graphic card, there would be a very good quality sound card for the sound system of TV. Also stored inside TV, the sound card will create quality of sound just like playing a computer game, which give the "tactile" like bass found in most gaming headsets, it should sound so cool when watching action movies, it feel just like cinema. The importance of sound card can be seen in most usb headsets, which the extra rectangle shaped plastic before its usb store its sound card.

It is also a market for silicon valley company such as Google in electrical appliance. We  believe this TV cost slightly higher 20 to 30 percent more than normal TV due to its sound card and graphic card. The TV can exhibit its ability to potential consumer or as graphic card, sound card in hardware sold to industrial buyer by playing action movies, let consumer and buyer tell the difference with average TV.

Precious Stone in Watch Making

Precious stone or expansive metals are very attractive things to be made into watches, create another category in watch. Precious stone such as ruby, sapphire, emerald are important in making of oscillators with the help of scientific papers, in addition to the average quartz oscillator commonly found in watch and clock. This increase collectibility in watches and give technological feel to watches.

Every watch made with precious stone will be have the amount of precious stone or type of precious stone written on the watch, this will greatly improve the sales value of the watch, do not forget some digital watches are semi analogue which means it uses mechanical quartz oscillator and an LCD or LED panel for its watch, the replacing precious stone oscillator as second generation oscillation can be supplied together with the watch hardware. Which we written in previous post, watch has a large market for company such as Google.

Precious metal such as platinum can also be use to replace iron or silver use in metal plates of watch hardware, of course it can be written on the watch to indicate amount and type of metal being used. What I believe all these are especially been made and ordered as different watch company has different and unique requirement which can't be mixed and jumble up.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

From Marketing To Product Promotion

Marketing of product is a process of selling and finding the correct consumer. But marketing of product now also looks at packaging of product. Searching for markets to sell is very important because it is to begin mass selling the product.

Choosing the correct market also make the product designed to be more specific only caters to several categories and fuctions. A lot of time seller need to give features which appease or fulfill the buyer in the markets or promises to deliver the certain amount or order. A satisfied buyer will buy even more from seller on its next round of order. 

Promoting product requires a lot of efforts, the correct promotion of product will reach to the correct buyer. Product outreach level will be increased and more people will get to know the product. Promoting also involve letting the buyer know the product let buyer try the product or watch a catalogue consist of video, explaning the product and how the product differs from average product.

Surveying Before A Product Design

Surveying before designing a product, there are several things to look into. The demand for the product, the latest components in the markets, finding the most artistic designs, finding the correct proportion of combination.

The demand for the product is created from necessity of human or from features that the consumer like. Invention created when there is necessity, such as phone people need it and they want something better. 

The latest component has been written in previous post, most of it involve designer or manufacturer introduced designs and features which a lot of time these components are not known by normal consumer and it only known by designer and manufacturers themselves.

Finding the most artistic design, designers draw product designs before the product even been made or the idea of it being talked by manufacturer. Product drsign can be drawn any time and in collections, it involve sketches and mostly doesn't has accurate engineering drawing or measurements. When manufacturer choose design only the most artistic design will be chosen.

Finding the correct proportion of combination means contrasting or harmonious components to be added to the product, contrasting will really make product stand out, but need to add harmonious design into it so it stay in proportion. Such as its user interface also is part of contrast or harmonious aspect of it.

Advanced Appliance Market Which Require Silicon Valley Technological Support

Designing printed circuit board, PCB and traning workers. Not everyone design the best PCB. Therefore it is necessary to train workers PCB design to print out the PCB.

Many industries require PCB as hardware and there are many channel to markets the PCB. One thing that normal PCB cannot pair up with is the latest technology. There are quite a number of technology require latest hardwares like exactly the CPU of computer but not all industry can make it. Therefore CPU level PCB has very large markets such as for advanced appliances.

Another name for CPU level PCB is PCB with processors, therefore Silicon Valley giant such as Google has potential in making it, it can make these PCB with processors and has all the firmwares in latest technology. Not be mistaken is people will say it must be a smart appliance, but it is not for category of smart appliance but for advance appliance, the market is very large. So it is just another category of appliance. 

Firmware and Hardware Market For Tablets, Personal Watch, Phone

There are so many tablets, phone and watch makers looking for suitable hardwares for themselves, the markets of these are just so large. Google is very good in making their apps apps and some softwares, firmwares.

For digital products, people kept looking for things to upgrade its user interface and the looks of its user panels. Tablet and phone makers looks for something very different for its user interface to compete with competitor. Once Google is making offers on firmware and hardware, they will go to Google. 

Brands like Rolex, Breitling, Casio, Seiko, Sunnto and other brands have digital watches or creating more digital watches, they are not using OS of course, because they run on button or CR battery which runs out so quickly. They wanted some user interface that created from firmware and hardware of Google which Google have to fill up in these branded watch market, but importantly they do not want OS. So, Google has to find out what firmwares are very versatile and easily coded into user interface and hardware that connect to mostly analogue watch button, although some digitals and both firmware and hardware run on button or CR battery. Google also had to figure out a hardware that has single panel or can be made into several panels in a watch such as for alarms, 3 types of alarm sounds, time, calendar, temperature, and watches which store phone numbers.

Looking For Latest Components Before Digital Products Design

It should be made a practice by product designer or people interested in design of the product to look around for new product components by frequently visiting the manufacturer of components and purchasing for very small amount of components, look for components which brand new or not in market or ask them anything for offer.

Why looking for new components are important, because it give idea on what product to create, and what feature could be updated or added to existing product.

For example, looking components at Western digital, Seagate, Qualcomm, Nvidia and others what are new and purchase some of it, bring your apps or apps on a blue print asked them components manufacturers what are components of phone or laptop suitable for the apps. Bring a phone which developing but not yet completed to compnents manufacturers what newest part offered or you are interested on a part but ask them to make a phone version. Asked them what are new for phone or laptop components. These are very important to make sure product design are latest.

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Criteria For Designing Digital Products

There are several criteria for designing products or design feature such as ergonomics, manufacturer or designer introduced features, features from requirement of consumer, studied features, artisticness of design.

Ergonomic is designing based on the easiness of human handling the products, coordination of human on the products, the way human hold and use the products when testing a product. Involves padding in giving comfort, large surface area for gripping or holding, designing base on the shape of palm, curvature of face, they way human coordinate themself on the product, such as the mouse side buttons is place just at the points where finger is accessible to click it.

Manufacturer or designer introduced features are design comes from added features in the product, the user has to get used to location of the clicker of the mouse, usb sockets or others but reachable by human coordination and length of finger or have to stretch posture slightly.

Features from requirement of consumer is features added base on survey of most user which wish to improve about the product, or feature chosen by designer or manufacturer to achieve particular requirement from customer based or survey or product testing.

Studied features means features added based on latest study on the product, research, recommedation by engineer.

Artisticness of design means the beauty or how sleek the design of product. It can be drawn prior from electronical components added to the product or after the printed circuit is designed. It is important in product grading as entry level, mid level, or a professional level product. Which also determine its final selling price.

Friday, October 1, 2021

Smart Digital Items

Meme cat used to ask what consist of smart digital items? We think is the  features of the Google Home and also features of the Google assistant. 

Some smart digital items require voice recognition therefore it needs a firmware which looks like Google assistant. While Google Home perform tasks but what is required only in its icons forms, therefore we can't say smart digital items need exactly a Google Home but more like the features of it. One more thing, it differs, they function offline. Example of smart digital item is an automatic lamp which switch on when it is night time and smart iron which has cloth sensor and automatically choose a temperature, so the Google Home features actually help to choose the temperature and remind if cloth already wrinkle free from the cloth sensor and tell us to stop ironing and automatically lower temperature of iron.

We talking here smart digital items of all sizes and categories, Google can also sell and firmwares and hardwares of smart digital items of features like  Google home and voice recognition fuction just like Google assistant, they are both firmware, hardware which function offline. But what happen when the smart digital item don't use or offer voice recognition, well they can always use the screen. They are essential items they look like graphic card in computer but in smart digital items.

Internet Of Things And Screen Tech Again

Talking about Internet of Things, we talk about higher end heavy duty equipment which connected to computer, it should also contain IOT frameworks as well so that industry which use IOT can connect to the particular heavy duty equipment. 

Google has a strength in producing apps or software which is fast, simple and easy to use. One potential things is an industrial coding programmes which use to create easy to use user panels for machines in industry. Of course it is sold at a premium price. There are actually quite many upstream and downstream process in manufacturing lacking IOT support.

Other than coding programs, Google can also make IOT firmwares and softwares which frequently used. If you realize we keep talking about technology in screen is there any other things about technology?

What about coding programs in other usages, in commercial tools, coding programs for all kinds of screen, no matter what the screen size is for the coding programs are made differently for several purposes, including touch screens, and screen without touch screens, annual sales of these coding programs can reach so much as the demand in market. Of course these screens are just normal screens not for IOT.

The Screen of Smart Equipments Or High Impact Equipments

Meme cat really think smart technology doesn't end there yet and it continues to expand its market. We know that IOT is quite well accepted, but what about normal people equipments of heavy duty which sold every where. Stanley, Black and Decker and more, these are the manufacturers of heavy equipment. 

Smart equipment means it involves screen and measuring devices as standalone equipment rather than connected to computer to function, but connection to computer is also a plus, which give better functions to higher end heavy duty equipment, so they have extra software for other purposes with the equipment. 

To make smart heavy duty equipment the hardest choice would be the screen, a screen with colour or without colour like Nokia screen, hardest point is to convince the manufacturer on colour screen, of course a black colour with white background screen or a blue colour with white background screen which both surrport user interface and icons, it is maneuvered by rubber buttons. Another type of screen which can be considered is full colour TFT screen frequently found in Tamagotchi, but it required to be specially manufactured to resist shock, water proof and impact proof, screen is maneuvered by square toggle stick used laptops added with rubber buttons.

Now we explain, why they not convinced with a colour screen, they want something heavy duty and waterproof and drop resistant. Example of equipments are smart spanar, smart screw driver and smart drill. Of course it can have OS which made for them. The user interface is more to control the presets widths in mm of screw driver, presets of hammer drill for different concretes, recommeded speed for drilling different surfaces, wood, concrete, marble, provide updates only for higher end heavy duty equipment.

Another usage of such screen is in advanced guns, same thing, not the colorful but black with white background and blue with white background, having rubber buttons. They need something heavy duty, water resistant too, similar to heavy duty equipment it has user interface but no OS, and extra feature is either it has auto home return function after 0.1 seconds screen idle or soon after selected preset or it has extra sliding screen cover.

Apps Developments And Potentials

What are the potential apps which would give upgrade at present apps and what are the apps which not yet developed. Okay lets looks at apps development.

Meme cat realize that game apps require more newer interactive developments which can be develop further by game developers or maker. There are only simple maneuvers made in app game up, down, left, right, jump and several icon of unique movement which enable acceleration and others. PC gaming features is very rare in app game which we doubt due to frame rates and lack in interest to develop such features.

The upgrades in all apps functions should be proportional to the latest development in smartphones, so that new components in smartphone fully utilized.

Editing apps, functional apps and apps for productivity, apps for directional purpose, should be given updated features as soon as smartphones getting more advanced gps functions, more advaced bluetooth functions or wireless functions or more advanced wifi receiver and functions.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

New Possible Social Media Sites

What are the social media which not yet being developed? Now we look at types of feeds, we have many words, picture feeds but we don't have a pure video or pure photo feed. Feed is made up of picture or a video with a title and under what reason which another word under what algorithm it being shared. So we do not have a pure picture or pure video feed with algorithm of most shared, most interesting, popular today, among our friends. So these two kinds of feeds are actually two new possible social media websites, so what are the network made up of, normal person members and bussiness owner membership. Of course that is the source of income. 

The topic in newsfeed can be brought to create another small topic in dropdown so there would be more sharing either it evolve into a liked or disliked small topics or interesting small topic. Liked small topic will create a fan base. Disliked small topics will have dislikers and people who not fond of it. While interesting small topic will have a lot of people find it interesting or curious people, interesting small topic will come out again as a topic in newsfeed. While liked small topic can be given a hashtag or inaugurate or praise the post in the dropdown button, either very funny, it break record, so different, upsetting, encouraged. The social networking site constantly update new game to be played with member friend and family, and let every members access to create short video and provided with interesting effects and filters, such as fast forward, reverse, filter of cartoon or funny talking voices and more, it will update the effect as new. The cost of starting up only involve cost of servers.

I suddenly thought of Whatsapp and Instagram which worth million or billion when being sold. Another type of social media is develop from chatting apps, its name is Hot Topic or Hot Topic Chatting, it has chatting apps and its websites, of course the chatting app is new, the newsfeed consist of conversation, hot topic which written on its website, promotions by business, these three which people want to share. Each member which sign up will have an account in the website and app. The chat in app is private and but there are member who will open a public chat. Public chat appear in newsfeed in algorithm of most popular, hot topic, most mentioned, most active chat and most shared. Private chat can only be shared by the post owner or by chat group owner or after approved by its owner. Private chat sharing can be closed during the opening of new chat by clicking not allowed to share option, the setting can be changed by its owner. Website post sharing require a picture at least or choose one from its website dropdown button. I knew there will be a variations where when signed up no app required but chatting and posting all occured on the website. PeopΔΊe can comment on conversation being shared, or the comment option turned off. For business membership, there is payment option for promotion, advertisement and featured. The start up cost only require a server.

I also wanted to introduce an onlineshop when people can become members and sell photo on this online shop. It has a search box for photos, categories of photo on side panels, showing best selling photo, new photo. The seller can also offer subscription fees by days or a fees for several photos if he or she had many photos to sell. Another membership is enterprise which people can place its advertisements, new products introduction, featured at a cost which they payed in its membership, there is an online payment system in this website, to boost advertisement. The start up cost only require a server, no shipping or shops required.

The bad thing about developing new social media is there are co-workers who very keen in  developing the website would leave and become an independant social media or online shop owner. Example is Twitter, there would be other co-workers will be independent social media owner also. Co-workers had several attitudes, hardworking, very kind and selfish, if look at a selfish co-worker on first day after 10 years you truly regret it. For hardworking co-working he or she sees so many opportunities and he or she always share the opportunity because his or her hard work always create new opportunities for his or her company.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Possible Concepts in Laptop And Desktop Computer

There are people who ask what concepts would be possible, what about in laptop and desktop computer in picture above. Because of competitiveness, the keyboard and drawing pad, multiple screen laptop and monitors and articulated screen has certain technologies or some parts of it been patented and need to purchase its patent and copyright, whether or not the whole technology has been patented or copyright earlier are uncertain but their patent and copyright can be purchased.

The laptop has drawing pad underneath it keyboard, it only need to click one button to flip up and convert to drawing board, the drawing pen is of course bundled with the laptop. It usage is wide, in industrial design drawing, professional cartoonist and also normal people or hobbyist would also its potential consumer. It will be bundled with screen keyboard software just like some digital drawing pen.

Multiple screen laptop and desktop computer has many fuction, in stock market, gaming, office and more. Just need to press a button the screen will come out, and also it can turn to another side, if let say meeting with client to show products or services.

Meme No.83

Meme No.82


Possible Connectors CPU For Tablets Reimagine

Meme cats is imagining a Connectors CPU which comes out for tablets devices to make tablet fuction like a desktop computer. So as you can see in the picture, it has multiple usb 2.0, 3.0, projector sockets, other kinds of sockets and a cd player.

The Connector CPU function wirelessly or by usb cable to the tablet, either one. It really makes tablet become a desktop computer, isn't it cool? It makes a future trend for tablet computer. It has the size of 15cm x15cmx7cm which make it so mobile.

It is also possible that it is sold with a bag with like a laptop bag so it is very convenient. It makes tablets accessible to so many devices which only desktop can use, mouse, keyboard, audio system, headphone, microphone, projectors. What happen if you have so many of these devices, no worries, Connectors CPU in partnership with device, accessories makers already updated the firmware to download so all desktop devices, accessories compatible with tablets. And also in future these device, accessories makers are going to make device, accessories just for tablet which only required plug and play. Connector CPU will be bundled with a stand which has design almost like a handphone stand but made for tablet.

The New Old Mp3

Mp3 is music and mp4 is video. We do not see much difference in mp3 design these days. But the mp4 suggested why not play music with music video. Then how the mv sold, may be priced at 12 bucks for 6 music videos.

People usually asked what make better mp3 player, the answer is the sound driver in the mp3 player, earphone quality is graded on its bass and treble, just make its bass and treble high. 

The same goes to its earphone which come together with the mp3 player, it has a good driver which high in bass and treble. Next, designer has to work on the buttons, the user interface, which has more apps on it, let user to play game or interact with the mp3 player.

Sunday, September 26, 2021

User Interfaces Of Pc Glasses Game

Meme cats would like to introduce several game modes and user interfaces which probably can be used in pc glasses. Let Meme cats imagine, there is a landscape view on the top right of the panel in first picture. User can adjust the size small or large of the landscape mode or adjusting the angles of the user interface for 30°, 60° or 90°.

There is a chat box or command panel at the bottom. They are preloaded with dialogue in the games which user responded by selecting their choice, or type in simple words.

There are several choices of map, user interface for enemy view, energy level, life, power level, upgrading level, purchasing items, potions and gold. There are just too many variety for us to think about.


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