Shu Ying The Blogger, Online Streaming, Social Media Tricks, Reviews, Market Research And More: Interesting topic
Showing posts with label Interesting topic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Interesting topic. Show all posts

Saturday, August 7, 2021

When You Extra Flavour Your Dish


I just had my stink bean dish just now. Stink beans is hard to prepare, if you do not clean the stink beans properly, you would extra flavour the dish. It is actually a worm that live in stink beans, just like a dried shrimp or dried prawn when cooked. So it is funny is someone tell it has dried shrimp when you say you did not place any.

It depends on how the beans are cutted, if you saw cooked stink beans which cut in half in whole beans, the beans unopened during preparation, don't it eat, you will eat the  "dried prawn" or "dried shrimp". I remembered it so well because I seen many shapes of cutted stink beans, I wondered if the creative cutting remove the worm.

Friday, July 16, 2021

Writing Short Essay From Words Of Wisdom Challenge


Here is the essay, the numbers shows the word of wisdoms in the essay. There are total of 6 word of wisdoms in this essay. With minimum addition of other words. You would see I cancel out 5 words in essay below compared to the video, word counts total 76 words:  

Since God has a sense of humor , why don’t he laugh (1), God always have to tell people to be prepared for difficult times(2), therefore he has no time to laugh. God always tell people to end negative thinking as blaming others is silly(3). Every night God always reminding to write down your fears to make them separate from you(4). We must practice empathy(5), because God says giving something back to society can make you feel better(6).


(A short essay)

More Proverbs And Quotations Give More Marks in Essay, True or False


People always thought that adding more proverb and quotes will add more mark to their essay. Is it true and what do you think?

Sunday, July 4, 2021

How Does KLCC Looks Like From Top Of KL Tower


As you can see in first picture one might thought people will see office when we see KLCC from top of KL tower, and waive to workers in KLCC, but the fact is KLCC still quite far from KL tower to see workers inside it.

Once on top of KL Tower people would enjoy the city view and also sitting in a transparent hanging chamber as can be seen in bottom left of second photo.


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