Thursday, February 9, 2023
Paid Sponsored Content Making
Thursday, December 1, 2022
Computer Products And Designs
Computer designs are not too complicated to be thought of its features, its looks and functions. Weird things are people can design something 100 years, 200 years beyond the products including concepts of products, but what are the newest products coming up next, they seems to be out of ideas.
The essence of designs just go straight to markets of electronic components which decides the shapes of products, and thought of its design in 100 years and 200 years just like we say before. When we are making a product we make sure we rearrange the electronic components a few times just to get the final designs, sometimes we want something to be smaller or larger and adjust it for the design. Other ways of designing are designing casings of the computer goods just like casing for system unit of computer and put aside and keep it in collection ready to use when making new computer goods.
What makes new computer goods completely new just like we have watches, laptop, other computer goods, suddenly you want to make something new, usually it depends on when you found new electronic components in markets and you just know it is for the new computer goods or electric appliance, have the habits of asking product catalogues and catalogues with the picture of electronic components, if you are familiar with the seller they give sample(s). So keep the catalougues with the electronic component pictures, reading the catalouges and its pictures give you ideas for the next products.
Friday, October 21, 2022
New Data Centers Technology
Sunday, October 16, 2022
Ships and Planes For Cables, Updated On 21st October
New Methods For Internets
Friday, October 7, 2022
The New Segments of Pc Products
Segments of computer goods let product development team makes more products and satisfy customers needs, the new segments introduced are,
• High usage computer goods
• Field specific computer goods
• Function specific computer goods
Data Centers
What are simple data center products, how do they functions?
I shall say they are simple to function products, the true secrets of making an optical fibre revealed, what are they actually? The real truth is optical fibre can be replace by pc cables, pc to pc pc cables, pc to cpu and cpu to pc cables, and cpu to cpu cables just like making an internal network or working network or Ethernet. So these cables , pc to pc pc cables, pc to cpu and cpu to pc cables, and cpu to cpu cables are made into thousands or millions kilometres of length and equipped with power supply transformers and signal amplifiers every 1m of length the cable will be tested with the transformers and amplifiers before using it with optic fibre, if you don’t believe it is the design for the data center optic fibre a new generation data center cable which consist of pc to pc pc cables, pc to cpu and cpu to pc cables and cpu to cpu cables for the whole length, it is analogues of data center being a computer located far away and another computer , data center will require the pc cables, and pc to cpu cables to connect. So always good to know optic fibre is pc cables, just supplement the existing optic fibre with this pc cable and this will make the data centers so powerful.
Author which is me Lai Shu Ying would like to say author will make the same product like this in future so author will also has the right for the patent of this product other than designing this product for alphabet.
Thursday, October 6, 2022
Product Modifications And Things Which Requested By Clients
What is better than setting up counter and attract customer to modify only certain electronic and electric appliance products only from catalogues according to what they like?
From 3D printing:
Clients can tell the product development employees what they want the product to look like, make several drawings of it and make the final modifications to 3D print it, printed in plastics. The certain products become the base product of it, just like you add several designs to complete the base products. What are base products? Product which you treat like basic shape of product, we understand product development employees already make a completed product in catalogues but some clients want some other design from the same product in catalogue therefore you treat the product in catalogue like " base designs". Some products takes several days, mostly in few minutes to hours.
From Direct Adding And Changing Spare parts And Components:
Clients asked for other components, spare parts, product development employees added them straight away at the place of products modification. Same thing some take few minutes to several hours some take several days.
After either the process, the product will be produced by standard production through mould.
Do you ever know the stories people told when using stock or shares revenue, you are required to make business to grow the revenues so the stock revenues will look like real cash . I think money from modification of products should be like revenue from stock or shares revenues, need to be placed into a seperate bank account just for it and regrowth from business so they become real cash.
Monday, August 22, 2022
What Makes Each Product Different
Each product are so differently designed such that consumer get all functionality of product but not same design. If let say the design of handphone and computers remain same for 20 years there are no advancement for the items. What create new designs, where are the inspirations from, a lot of time new item designs depends on the electronic parts, to make sure the parts function at most consumer desires, for example you introduced telephoto lens to handphone,what makes the telephoto lens function the best when you ask the electronic components manufacturer then it is the best design.
Extra designs include introducing extraordinary designs or designs which look too abstract to accept, and let some users use in a survey conducted. Next adjust the designs and only leave the ones which users feel great with it.
Wednesday, June 29, 2022
Computer Accessories and Devices Trend Looking Toward Commercial Usage
Computer and all their hardwares we use to know the office or personal computers market, but what about commercial usage, does personal and commercial usage really differs? There are not many computer developers by brands really developing it by means of updating the capabilities of it.
Wednesday, March 16, 2022
Computer Products And Improving Designs
We always think what create next phone and other computer products, the phone isn't about following the iphone and just designing what already there but it is more to product creation by product team.
Technical data as a reference to change the specifications by parts available and introduce more parts which not related to phone when designing phone, introducing parts not related to the respective computer products is also a skill in designing.
Looking at latest electronics in markets and preorder it from its manufacturer to the fitting size of parts into the computer products is also another skill or expertise. A lot of it require some time to read the catalogues of electronic components and choose which are suitables and interestings to be introduced into computer products.
Even designers and product team always looking for ways to supplement their skills. To improve skills and supplements it there are several methods to do it:
1. As we mentioned before surveying markets for electronics parts and imagine it as if you are designing products, imagination is important.
2. Company should give some allowance to encourage product team and designers to purchase and try out latest computer products, when they use the products only they can improve themselves from consumer perspective.
3. Encourage the spirit of inventing by asking employees to invent product to solve inconvinience and complex things to improve designing skill, they can take the product for themselve while leaving another set of the product for company, company will provide the materials required in the lab and they can request for more materials required and the budgets varies according to another allowance for inventions.
4. From here we know to motivate invention is important to improve designing skill, window shopping for electronic products just another method if employee not interested in purchasing certain products but it is important to improve designing skill.
5. Always encourage employees to review products in their method, tell how cool the products are, to know if this method is effective just ask employees to talk about their reviews, if effective the employees have very interesting review of the products.
6. Company will selects some latest computer products in market and bring more if there are latest computer products so employees get to use it for a while or few days in company and a display unit for computer products it also varies according to budget. It give more designing creativity to employees.
Tuesday, March 15, 2022
Product Designs
What makes good product designs, we want to talk about what is in designs and base on what concepts products designs initiated.
Designing base on the electronics and features
The air conditioner has new electronic to give colder air and it can be made into arctic cold, ice cold, winter cold, high mountain cold, according to manufacturer of coldness electronics the different types of cold best functioned with the designs he himself recommended so designers will design according to recommendations they give and adjust it with other features with the aircond, for example the latest phone design has screen so wide due to the touch screen electronics, who knows the design of wide screen will change or better itself when latest feature introduced.
Designing base on the features which favorated by buyers
From survey on buyer and what product team found buyers will favour some features, product team also has a good feeling the buyer will favour it so designer choose the best feature they want and design it to the best look.
Designing to utilize the strengths of products materials
Product team already know this material(s) are so good in some of it such as texture, look and its result from drop tests and other tests so the design will show the strength of its material.
Designing to utilize and emphasize latest product materials
Latest materials available, it produce better looks product and buyer favour the quality and finishes of the material.
Designing to exaggerate and over express the latest product feature
Latest firmwares and parts available, they look so advanced and modern, designer design it in a way to impress the buyer and consumer.
Designing to full extend of products feature(s) available by its latest electronics available
The latest features made available from the parts are so good that designers design it to full extends of product technical data.
Designing to latest features just invented
The features are invented by designers and it was adjusted so it does not overlap with other feature and it looks so original when feature is launched and production team is satisfied with the product.
Saturday, February 19, 2022
Product Styling Beyond Its Norm
What are stylings? It means design of the products. You definitely seen a certain product how it changes over the years. You would certainly max out the stylings and design if we say styling above norm. For example tv is rectangle and it is only an entertainment in living room but you style it so it is streaming other contents and use in every places.
To max out the design of products several aspects to look for are:
1. The available materials.
2. The available components.
3. The most unique designs prototypes.
4. Ideas whìch you come across when you are doing surveys for consumer, materials, components, patents you wish to purchase.
Always draw your ideas, so you know what to choose and what to combine. Create several combinations or place all components even it was same components to serve the functions into the drawings, then you remove one by one to reach the complete combinations for the products. Several combinations can be done to produce many products. For example it has 6 functions, you place multiple materials, components for each of the 6 functions, you remove the materials, components one by one until it left one material, component for each of the 6 function.
Remember the labelling for prototypes written in previous writings, place mutiple labels for same fuction and remove one by one until reaching complete combination for the product.
Modifications Of Products
When it is about modification of products we are talking about variants of products. Modifications of products happen when there is a demand for the product and buyer want modifications for it and retaining the name of the product or for other purposes.
Methods for modifications are:
1. Adding newer components to the products.2. Increase the specifications of products.
3. Choose other brands for its materials.
4. Change the materials.
5. Change the style of the product.
7. Completely change the product.
Thursday, February 17, 2022
Looking For Product Market
Market is created by? Sometimes there are products but doesn't find its customer, sometimes there are customer which can't find products they want or sometimes customers wish to have a products which are not existed and wish they existed so they can buy it. So these conditions are actually the market.
In the prototyping process created many future products. So looking for correct market is important. To do so prototypes need to find its suitable customers and functions.
Since we previously talked about the prototyping processes and creating information for flyers. Therefore engineers and product production team will write informations of the prototypes customers and functions in present and future development.
Customers oriented and functions oriented prototyping will further expand markets for products and prototypes. It works by catering different customers, since we say different customers means different market, it means the product sales increased. Fuctions oriented means each functions is one market.
In conclusion customers and functions are important in prototyping.
Expand Product Segments
Tuesday, January 25, 2022
Improving Number of Prototypes and Its Quality
Thursday, January 13, 2022
Appraisal Systems And Motivated A Employee
2.why you are bored with your work have been working all days deserve an achievement reward
Bringing The Brand Value To Product Finishing And Creating And Smoother Look of Product
Product often have different categories when you let a consumer survey a product, they would say it was premium, beginner and luxury. Every products are differents. What are the things to look for when designing these type of good when there are categories of premium, beginner and luxury.
For example you are making electronic parts for Panasonic, this time it was for Panasonic premium products, you are designing the firmware. You added some panasonic designs to its interface so the products interface give impressions of it was panasonic, this is the brand value you added to panasonic. Next, you asked panasonic can we have a look at previous product interface and designs of goods so you retained panasonic brand value in the new design.
Afterwards, Panasonic asked for something completely different and completely new, then you created designs inspired from Panasonic.
At some times, a completely new and unrelated to the brand designs also work for a particular brand, this is something can't be explained and we have to look into the graphic designs and arts. This is a contrast technique, contrasting design elements we often see when a brand new product being made.
Budget Allocation In Product Development For Employees
We used to have situations where product could look much better and we know the employer has taken too much control over things can be done and can't be done. So, welcome to where employees can give at least 60% of control in product produced this is a method named product development through budget allocation for employees. Remember previous blog posts we wrote about features making, methods to inventing more products, so now we are going to talk about another method.
Let say you received an big order for 30,000 units of product with firmware and the order worth 30 million usd, you place the production cost at 11 million usd, material costing only 1 million usd you decided to let employees to take control of a 6 million usd of production cost where you allocate 6 million usd to them to make purchases for product development.
With this 6 million usd, the engineers purchase some technologies outside of Google, some materials so there make their ideas into the product and firmware with required specifications. Afterwards, the product development team finalized the production.
This method truely help to make a product development, making the product looks better and increase customer satisfactions.
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When it is about modification of products we are talking about variants of products. Modifications of products happen when there is a demand...