Shu Ying The Blogger, Online Streaming, Social Media Tricks, Reviews, Market Research And More: Yeah! My Mom's back!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Yeah! My Mom's back!

Finally, through 3 weeks of waiting. Finally she reached home. I asked her whether grandpa has fully recovered from the surgery? She replied:" No, there is still a little rash at the buttock there (he was a diabetic), but the doctor said he was allowed to go home. You know, I get a lesson from my mom. Care for your parents! Although sometimes the elderly are very troublesome like my grandma(my father side) but that is our responsibility as the children. The most important thing to care for is their diet, don't ever let them becoming diabetics. Why? First, if there is any small wound on them if not noticed the wound area will extend, causing gangrene.

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