Shu Ying The Blogger, Online Streaming, Social Media Tricks, Reviews, Market Research And More: Computer Accessories and Devices Trend Looking Toward Commercial Usage

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Computer Accessories and Devices Trend Looking Toward Commercial Usage

Computer and all their hardwares we use to know the office or personal computers market, but what about commercial usage, does personal and commercial usage really differs? There are not many computer developers by brands really developing it by means of updating the capabilities of it.

What would it means for Google and benefits for Google, I shall say since the previous blog writing featuring the potential of developing greater personal computer, we will talk further on what more on the commercial computer products. These development of course would be beneficial for self usage of Google and sales of it explore the territories of commercial computer.

What are data centers and what are importance of it, of course it is related to cloud. There is a method to build and to strength test these data centers storage devices and I will explain it further:

To manufacture the data center storage devices first sourcing the components from market, the components in focus are from suppliers which is low profiles and selling at a low prices but has been in the storages industry for many years and you know about their quality and performance. Next up Google will assemble it to form storage devices with all the parts forming a data center.

Testing it, the data center storage devices will be tested by purchasing the equipment from same suppliers supplying the components and you asked the suppliers to modify it so the testing device can test the device until you turn off the testing machine, testing time can be minutes, hours, days and forever. By purchasing the testing machine from the suppliers of components you they will be less incompatibility issues. Then you purchase another machine to test fully assembled storage device and assembled data centers separately from same suppliers.For data center maintenance it would be about purchasing the components from same suppliers for maintenance purpose.

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