Shu Ying The Blogger, Online Streaming, Social Media Tricks, Reviews, Market Research And More: Looking For Product Market

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Looking For Product Market

Market is created by? Sometimes there are products but doesn't find its customer, sometimes there are customer which can't find products they want or sometimes customers wish to have a products which are not existed and wish they existed so they can buy it. So these conditions are actually the market.

In the prototyping process created many future products. So looking for correct market is important. To do so prototypes need to find its suitable customers and functions.

Since we previously talked about the prototyping processes and creating information for flyers. Therefore engineers and product production team will write informations of the prototypes customers and functions in present and future development.

Customers oriented and functions oriented prototyping will further expand markets for products and prototypes. It works by catering different customers, since we say different customers means different market, it means the product sales increased. Fuctions oriented means each functions is one market. 

In conclusion customers and functions are important in prototyping.


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