Shu Ying The Blogger, Online Streaming, Social Media Tricks, Reviews, Market Research And More: New Methods For Internets

Sunday, October 16, 2022

New Methods For Internets

These are going to be the internet supplementary lines for Google and other social media sites and data centers users. Please safeguard the privacy of these cables because internet will perform at x2000 times better than usual internet.

The cable is usual pc to pc cables, pc to cpu cables, cpu to cpu cables with transformer and copper data amplifier written in previous blog post. So a computer engineer will install  computers with cpu divided into 1000 cpu from one computer with their lcd screens. So the data center computer is divided to 1000 cpu with their pc screens, analogous to computer engineer installed divided to 1000 cpu. The pc to pc cables, pc to cpu cables, cpu to cpu cables with transformers and copper data amplifiers plugged to the computer with divided 1000 cpu. The tranformers and copper data amplifiers have power supply plug industrial grade switched on to power outlet. So just by cpu to cpu cables there would be 1000 cpu to cpu cables with transformer and copper data amplifier bundled into one undersea cable of thousands, millions kilometres. So this cables will be plugged into another computers in another data center. The divided computer data, every computer will only process a certain amount of internet websites let say 60 gigabytes, amount of websites to fit 60 gigabytes. So the supplimentary line of 1000 cables just from cpu to cpu cables, other cables will be another 2000 pcs of cables switched on without affecting the main line. The data centers outputs which arrived to another data center will be adjusted from supplementary line and main line. The cables are tested to be waterproof and pressure, corrosion, oxidation resistant from saltwater. 

Same to data transfer from short distance data centers using these cables and method with several pc to pc cables, pc to cpu cables, cpu to cpu cables with transformers and copper data amplifiers.

From time author written this blog post, author has the right to use this patent of product other than designing the products for google.

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