Shu Ying The Blogger, Online Streaming, Social Media Tricks, Reviews, Market Research And More: Product Modifications And Things Which Requested By Clients

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Product Modifications And Things Which Requested By Clients

What is better than setting up counter and attract customer to modify only certain electronic and electric appliance products only from catalogues according to what they like?

From 3D printing:

Clients can tell the product development employees what they want the product to look like, make several drawings of it and make the final modifications to 3D print it, printed in plastics. The certain products become the base product of it, just like you add several designs to complete the base products. What are base products? Product which you treat like basic shape of product, we understand product development employees already make a completed product in catalogues but some clients want some other design from the same product in catalogue therefore you treat the product in catalogue like " base designs". Some products takes several days, mostly in few minutes to hours.

From Direct Adding And Changing Spare parts And Components:

Clients asked for other components, spare parts, product development employees added them straight away at the place of products modification. Same thing some take few minutes to several hours some take several days. 

After either the process, the product will be produced by standard production through mould.

Do you ever know the stories people told when using stock or shares revenue, you are required to make business to grow the revenues so the stock revenues will look like real cash . I think money from modification of products should be like revenue from stock or shares revenues, need to be placed into a seperate bank account just for it and regrowth from business so they become real cash.


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