Shu Ying The Blogger, Online Streaming, Social Media Tricks, Reviews, Market Research And More: Product Styling Beyond Its Norm

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Product Styling Beyond Its Norm

What are stylings? It means design of the products. You definitely seen a certain product how it changes over the years. You would certainly max out the stylings and design if we say styling above norm. For example tv is rectangle and it is only an entertainment in living room but you style it so it is streaming other contents and use in every places.

To max out the design of products several aspects to look for are:

1. The available materials.

2. The available components.

3. The most unique designs prototypes.

4. Ideas whìch you come across when you are doing surveys for consumer, materials, components, patents you wish to purchase.

Always draw your ideas, so you know what to choose and what to combine. Create several combinations or place all components even it was same components to serve the functions into the drawings, then you remove one by one to reach the complete combinations for the products. Several combinations can be done to produce many products. For example it has 6 functions, you place multiple materials, components for each of the 6 functions, you remove the materials, components one by one until it left one material, component for each of the 6 function.

Remember the labelling for prototypes written in previous writings, place mutiple labels for same fuction and remove one by one until reaching complete combination for the product.

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