Shu Ying The Blogger, Online Streaming, Social Media Tricks, Reviews, Market Research And More: Looking For Latest Components Before Digital Products Design

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Looking For Latest Components Before Digital Products Design

It should be made a practice by product designer or people interested in design of the product to look around for new product components by frequently visiting the manufacturer of components and purchasing for very small amount of components, look for components which brand new or not in market or ask them anything for offer.

Why looking for new components are important, because it give idea on what product to create, and what feature could be updated or added to existing product.

For example, looking components at Western digital, Seagate, Qualcomm, Nvidia and others what are new and purchase some of it, bring your apps or apps on a blue print asked them components manufacturers what are components of phone or laptop suitable for the apps. Bring a phone which developing but not yet completed to compnents manufacturers what newest part offered or you are interested on a part but ask them to make a phone version. Asked them what are new for phone or laptop components. These are very important to make sure product design are latest.

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