Shu Ying The Blogger, Online Streaming, Social Media Tricks, Reviews, Market Research And More: The New Old Mp3

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

The New Old Mp3

Mp3 is music and mp4 is video. We do not see much difference in mp3 design these days. But the mp4 suggested why not play music with music video. Then how the mv sold, may be priced at 12 bucks for 6 music videos.

People usually asked what make better mp3 player, the answer is the sound driver in the mp3 player, earphone quality is graded on its bass and treble, just make its bass and treble high. 

The same goes to its earphone which come together with the mp3 player, it has a good driver which high in bass and treble. Next, designer has to work on the buttons, the user interface, which has more apps on it, let user to play game or interact with the mp3 player.

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