Shu Ying The Blogger, Online Streaming, Social Media Tricks, Reviews, Market Research And More: Smart Digital Items

Friday, October 1, 2021

Smart Digital Items

Meme cat used to ask what consist of smart digital items? We think is the  features of the Google Home and also features of the Google assistant. 

Some smart digital items require voice recognition therefore it needs a firmware which looks like Google assistant. While Google Home perform tasks but what is required only in its icons forms, therefore we can't say smart digital items need exactly a Google Home but more like the features of it. One more thing, it differs, they function offline. Example of smart digital item is an automatic lamp which switch on when it is night time and smart iron which has cloth sensor and automatically choose a temperature, so the Google Home features actually help to choose the temperature and remind if cloth already wrinkle free from the cloth sensor and tell us to stop ironing and automatically lower temperature of iron.

We talking here smart digital items of all sizes and categories, Google can also sell and firmwares and hardwares of smart digital items of features like  Google home and voice recognition fuction just like Google assistant, they are both firmware, hardware which function offline. But what happen when the smart digital item don't use or offer voice recognition, well they can always use the screen. They are essential items they look like graphic card in computer but in smart digital items.

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