It is a mandatory to attend Setapak High School Orientation week for form 6. As usual I woke up early at about 6 am, take a shower, dress up and eat. I walked lazily to the bus stand impatiently waiting for the bus to fetch me to school. Well, that was my first day to school after a long break.
This is my second time(the first time was on the last Friday) stepped into the Setapak High School compound. I still had no idea about the school, which way to go, so I met up a pretty form 6 senior, she showed me the direction to canteen and Dewan Wawasan. The registration will start a 8 o'clock, still one more hour to go. I picked up a book and read, sometimes looking around curiously at school buildings, male students, try to observe and get familiar with it.
Then, cleaners came to sweep the floor, the first thought came into my mind:" why don't go to the canteen, nobody is here." I followed my sense, went to the canteen. I felt weird when I saw boys around me(I came from a girl school), chit chatting among themselves. I try to focus on my book, keep reading.
At 8 o'clock I went to the registration counter, shocked to find that most of my friends already arrived at the school. I greeted them with friendly gesture.
We went to the Dewan Wawasan to hear talks from form 6 teachers and headmaster. A male teacher explained to us about MUET and Pn. chew a chemistry teacher talked about PNGK, purata nilai gred keseluruhan and all sorts of things which we need to know.
Today still the same, endless speeches and we were seating at the chair with stiffed butts and legs for hours long. Suddenly the Puan Penyelaras Ting.6 asked us to shift the chair to a new avenue---the indoor hall. She gave the last speech before the clock struck 1.10pm (usual time is 1.00pm) only then she willingly let us leave.
I sprang out like mad to the bus station, I can't miss the school bus. I promised the uncle (bus driver) to take bus at 1.15pm. That's the only transport to go home! I took the bus and go home happily.
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