Shu Ying The Blogger, Online Streaming, Social Media Tricks, Reviews, Market Research And More: Majlis Anugerah Cemerlang

Friday, July 24, 2009

Majlis Anugerah Cemerlang

We waited so long before the event start. Some of us seems to be very hard working. Especially Jia Xin(picture below). She closed her ears to avoid from being distracted by noise. I wanted to suggest her: "remember to bring ear plugs next time!'.If not I can give you mine too, I got it from the shooting practice in PLKN, still keeping them safely in my drawer, I know that it's going to be very useful next time. Then, the first performance was Tarian 'Piring' , Sorry I don't know its real name actually. I knew every dancer was holding 1 plate in each hand. After that was prize giving ceremony. So many students and teachers queue up to receive awards and prizes. The ceremony was so lengthy, it was unbearable for me, buttock was in pain because we've been seating for too long. Just after the MC announced the ceremony was end, I go to eat in canteen.

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