Shu Ying The Blogger, Online Streaming, Social Media Tricks, Reviews, Market Research And More: Different Ways Of Writing Blogs For Products Website

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Different Ways Of Writing Blogs For Products Website

Photo above showing product review.
Photo taken from:

For products blogs which recommend products and review products, there are some ways to make product recommendation, introductions appear more user friendly, understands the users and detailed review on features, functions, which written in such a way the reviewers will take the side of a buyer to review the product.

There are many ways to review products. The standard methods rating, advantage, disadvantage, testing the product technically and explaining all features of products.

Here we are talking about newer methods for review:

1. Testing product by bringing it home or use the product by reviewer himself.

2. Testing products at work place replacing works computer and laptop ( for example if the test product are computers and laptop).

3. Testing product by working intensity, opening all softwares, highest cpu usage and see which computers, laptop doesn't to open a computer task manager to close the softwares, saving projects with all softwares windows and compare softwares windows closing speed which computers the fastest. Test the hd video editing speed, animations making speed, processor consuming softwares are they causing the lag in speed  ( for example if the test product are computers and laptop).

4. Testing out new features of products, what the reviewers like or disliked and ways to improve.

Writing essay formats for product reviews,

New features:
Results from technical testing if available:
Likes and dislikes with improvements:
Comments from reviewers:
Awards of products:
Comments of reviewers after testing product:
Other details about the products:
Stating the users of product from beginner to professional:
Comparisons to other similar products:
Designs of products:
Mechanism of products ( such as keyboard of laptop):
Overall feel and looks of products:

Additional essay formats for product reviews:
Result of work performance measured from the product (for example computer or laptop):
Measuring other functions of product through product testing:

That's all for Product Blogs writings, please stay tuned for other ways of products writings by types of products, small to large product writings by details.

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