Shu Ying The Blogger, Online Streaming, Social Media Tricks, Reviews, Market Research And More: Method To Create Blog Writings And Contents

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Method To Create Blog Writings And Contents

We love blogs, nowadays blogs not just function as diaries in old days but diaries with websites functions.

Now we will see at main readers of blogs, in old days blog readers are people looking for funny stories, exciting stories to read. Todays blogs are places to get informations, websites, writing diaries.

Video above showing how to write blog.

Blogger writings comparable to blogger pictures, blogger videos. We are familiar wuth blogger writings, if let say writing with pictures and videos, we can take sample of videos, pictures in random social sites, in websites and compare blogger writing with pictures, videos to the sample of videos, pictures in random social sites. Are they good enough, sometimes things like memes started from websites, then only we realize bloggers can write trend setting funny writings just like memes. Trend setters are themes of blog writings, there are many trend setters in fact we need to invent them, other trend setters bloggers can make with facilities of blog, such as blog has facilities to place all kinds of media, blog templates can be changed, bloggers just use the facilities to invent the blog stories, writings. Usually a blogger trend can be started if the beginner of the blog trends provide the memes formats, little cartoons of it to offer to other trend followers if let say talking about memes, then, place a good name for the trend, such as My Funny stories, Funny Writings, Things Gone Unexplained, Truth Found , The God Has Awared and Listened, Our God Is Searching For Girlfriend, Finally Realized, I Found It Finally. 

So lets put these trends into works,

1. My Funny Stories:

I dropped a litres of waters to the cockroaches, the coackroach yelled flood! flood! Then the cockroach appear again when I water my plant with a mist creating nozzle and they yelled it rains!

2. Finally Realized:

I always wonder the way electricity produced, I study it and looking at chapters of electricity and looking at text book of electric engineering, to realize the formulas are just hard to understand, eventually raised the white flag saying lets buy batteries!

Simple way to facilitate writing:

Write down funniest activities you are doing: Exercising

Write down subjects, objects in the activities: cockroach, orange:

Making the writing: I exercise with my new exercise equipment, admiring at it, never thought the cockroach staring at the new exercise equipment too, I chase away the cockroach, then I started exercising, my movement angle are just too big, I hit the basket of orange, oranges fall and rolled to my house floor and the cockroach rolled to the floor too but far away from the oranges, I say : " why you rolled to the floor too, you have nothing to do with the oranges.", he laughed, he say:" I rolled, but I rolled to the floor laughing! ROFL, hahaha!".

You then include a good looking photo with drawings or videos with drawings. You can shares them or if you think you shares them with formatting, funny shareable gif editing, funny pictures editings, funny videos editing for purpose of creating great trends. 

So happy trying out trend setting themes, inventing trend setting writing themes and have a great day!

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