Shu Ying The Blogger, Online Streaming, Social Media Tricks, Reviews, Market Research And More: Creation of Content For Other Types Of Paid Sponsored Products

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Creation of Content For Other Types Of Paid Sponsored Products

Video above showing influencer marketing.

We are looking into creation of other types of content for paid sponsored products. We will really like to drive more views but it comes with a more premium content, high classy content, so what are they, the answer is wealthy persons turn Youtube content creators, Youtube channel creators with convincing look.

Wealthy persons men or woman aged 20 to 50 fashionable, handsome, beautiful,woman with good make up, men with good stylings can be hired by Youtube to create content. The reasons are wealthy men, women used to purchase fashions, another good reasons are they know the stylings, fashions of standard human beings, higher salary group, business person. The fashions are good to combine with other paid sponsored products. They look convincing to promote items, because fashionable men, woman look very artist like. Suggested the pay at 200,000USD+++ to 310,000USD+++ per month per person with additional 70,000USD to 150,000USD allowance per month per person with other paid views just like other Youtube creators with Super Thanks functions. Remember that the wealthy person which create contents are normal human which just like employees vacancy, Youtube have to look for these wealthy person to hire them to become content creators of Youtube videos. Later Youtube will give them "accessories" which are "catalogues" of paid sponsored products which not yet being distributed to content creators but already being given by interested manufacturers. We understood fashion products and some other products are not easy to do the content, therefore they are given "accessories" and "catalogues" for combinations. Content creation by wealthy persons are completely different from standard creators possibly standard creators are good at all price range product while wealthy person are better at showing the beauty of product, the premium of the product, trend setter. While maintaining interaction with viewers with live chat, the viewers can ask the channel creators about their personal life, the channel creators will reply, the channel creator can do the life chat at any time in his or her daily life, greetings the viewers, say out the viewers names which chat with channel creators while eating, gym, etc, this creates loyal viewers, at the same time the channel creator can leave soft copy of their business card if available at their Youtube's About. Some other categories of paid sponsored video are shown here:

  1. paid sponsored product which comes with extra furniture 
  2. paid sponsored product which comes with with accessories 
  3. paid sponsored product which comes with  with other styling products (for example fashion)
  4. different prices of paid sponsored video content 

#What are paid sponsored products, paid sponsored videos? These are products which are advertised organically by the Youtube channel creators, manufacturers of the products will pay the advertising fees to Youtube to advertise as paid sponsored products or paid sponsored videos.

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