Shu Ying The Blogger, Online Streaming, Social Media Tricks, Reviews, Market Research And More: Product Review Of Current Handphone Technology

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Product Review Of Current Handphone Technology

As we say previously, our phone is going to look more and more like laptop. Most features of personal computer might also be part of handphone. Worth mentions are the sophisticated RAM would be used in handphone, in laptop and pc, it was DDR III and further, so in handphone it was a race of RAM from top brands. Graphic cards, cooling system from Cooler Master, can it come out something for handphone, of course it can.

Better motherboard which made for handphone also can be done and it is so much top brand brands focused for these parts. Including the wifi receiver which receive wifi with higher mbps or giga bit per second. 

Upgraded its bluetooth and its bluetooth functionality. It looks awkward as first, soon handphone can be typed with bluetooth supported keyboards from dekstop computer or pc and there would be cursor from bluetooth supported mouse, of course you need to download the apps. So it give convinience if you already done some work in your handphone and just feel like continuing in your handphone, not on dekstop computer, just put your handphone near a bluetooth keyboard and mouse which support the phone, complete all your work on it.

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