Shu Ying The Blogger, Online Streaming, Social Media Tricks, Reviews, Market Research And More: Pc Glasses Indoor Games

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Pc Glasses Indoor Games

Indoor games means it is not an outdoor sport. Continue the topic of pc glasses, we wonder if Niantic can make game indoor without gps, of course can. A game can played 24 hours indoor, without taking subway and driving out at night. 

With Cd sold, the game looks more attractive and worth collection. And people are more willing to spend on Cd. When I look until here, there is so much I imagine about pc glasses. 

I think the pc glasses is offering best of both world of pc game and console game, it has a microphone and headphone preinstalled in pc glasses, which allow chatting functions online, can pc glasses has chatbot or chat assistant function, of couse it can, but please turn off the microphone when not in use, otherwise gamer will be chatting with a ghost.

What else I imagine about pc glasses, hoping it give more things which is not in consoles, may be more controllers types with used with pc glasses, may be controller with a look of keyboard and air mouse and a normal controller to allow people to familiarize with it, more quality images from its graphic quality, specifications of its graphic card used and its other specification. Although pc glass already has gesture recognition for typing on virtual keyboard, a physical controller give more recognition of pc glasses as new gaming device.

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