Shu Ying The Blogger, Online Streaming, Social Media Tricks, Reviews, Market Research And More: Weird Dream

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Weird Dream

I dreamed of my ex Form 2 teacher, Pn. Nazaria she went to my present school, Setapak High school to visit me.

At first she came to my class, she didn't knock the door so I didn't notice her. Then I got a pat on my head, I turned and saw her smiling sincerely at me.

Then, she brought me to the field. We chit chat for a while.... she asked me to keep her house keys. So I did as she asked, kept them safely inside my bag.

Suddenly she said she want to leave, to visit her husband in the hospital. I can see clearly there were two bottles in her hands, one was a 500ml sea master and the other one was a kid bottle which probably belong to her son, Irfan.

It was so urgent that I forgotten to give back the house keys to her. When I reached home, I quickly call her.. I still remembered I still had her number in my old phone. I called her and luckily she was still using that phone number. She picked up the call, saying that she will be coming to my house to take the keys.

Suddenly, I was awake. It was a sweet dream but incomplete because I didn't know the ending, is she coming? You guess...

Most of my dreams are related to my real life situation, just slightly modified. Before I dreamed of my teacher, Pn Nazariah actually I saw someone who resemble her in the MPH bookshop which I went yesterday.... : -) haha funny right?

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