Shu Ying The Blogger, Online Streaming, Social Media Tricks, Reviews, Market Research And More: Confused GDex Courier

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Confused GDex Courier

Sorry for leaving this blog 'empty' for a long while...

You know, today I called GDex courier which is sending the books that I bought from MPH.

Once my mom shop is closed will cause a lot of trouble. For example the courier cannot send the book/parcel to my house. Last few days, courier deliver to my house but unfortunately no one was in the house. I need to write email to 1 utama MPH, reply mail, received mail, reply mail, received mail...arghhhh.. frustrating! Asking MPH the delivery date of my parcel, the parcel tracking reference number and etc.

Then I get to know that 1 utama MPH is not using Poslaju as courier service provider anymore. they are using GDex now.. What is the difference? Paslaju using van for shipping while GDex drive truck or even a motocycle for shipping. As I know in US some courier service providers still using bicycle for shipping. What is the rational behind that? Answer: to avoid traffic jam.

Today, I asked the GDex customer service lady to deliver to a new address which was my shop address -No.3, my shop was closed I hoped them to 'tumpang' my neighbour (tailor) shop which bear the address No.5 ...

I explained: For your info No. 5 is also my house address that is a coincidence, because the shop located behind my house!! Improper house planning , a Gloom for shop house residence! Which sometimes mislead the postman. But then I remembered how the GDex postman deliver my dad parcel to my house -No.5.

Then I thought better say my neighbour shop is no.3 I emphasized Choo Tailor shop repeatedly.. Hopefully they can find the shop, a small tailor shop situated beside my mom shop although address is a 'bit' different. From the lady intonation I can feel that she was angry, sorry for confusing her but I just wanted to explain, that's all.

God Bless Me!

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