Shu Ying The Blogger, Online Streaming, Social Media Tricks, Reviews, Market Research And More: JPA Interview

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

JPA Interview

I went to the interview this afternoon. Well, I was not satisfied with myself. The only thing I wanted to say is be prepared. Better to prepare a script than you ends up mumbling nothing.. There were three interviewers where they will interview you by group (5 persons in a group). My group panel consists of 2 doctors from UM and 1 engineer from JKR (graduated from Ireland). First they ask us to intro ourselves one by one.. name, no. of siblings, ex-school, why you chosen the course, who inspired you (don't ever mention parents) etc..

Then follow up by question. This session last for 45 minutes. The first question they allow us to do group discussion 2 minutes about what is our opinion with the scholars who were sponsored by JPA they working oversea instead of going back to M'sia. Some say they should pay back the money some say they should be pinalised some say Gov should offer rewards to them so that they would come back to Malaysia.

Everyone had their respective opinions. Then the 2nd question .. Then 3rd Question: How would you overcome the culture differences when JPA send you to study abroad? The first girl and the 2nd girl (me) answered try to tolerate with their culture. Then I don't know why suddenly it changed topic to" where the country 'you' would like to study abroad?" 3 people answered Australia because it is claimed that Australia offer the best Quality of education. While Lin (the first girl) answered she wanted to study medics in Ireland. Since then I noticed that I was the only one who chose a third world country as a country of my choice to study medics which is Indonesia. The panel asked Lin "why you choose Ireland?" She answered because the quality of education is good, better facility, more dead bodies for practical usage. Then two panels who are the doctors laughed.They talk with each other "why don't choose India, can get fresh, cheap bodies everyday....

When they asked me to explain why I had chosen Indonesia? Well, I said because the country has large population a lot of accidents happened very frequently and can get to know to all kind of diseases (actually I was blank that time I don't know what to say..).The undergraduates can train themselves to handle with critical situation.

Among the 5 of us 2 chosen medics who were me and Lin. 1 had chosen dentistry who was Shu Jin. The other 2 , Sin Yin and Fikah(she changed course from medics to pharmacy during interview time) had chosen pharmacy.

At the end of the interview there is an Q&A session. We asked the doctors to share their experience with us.... Well, that was how the interview ends.

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