Shu Ying The Blogger, Online Streaming, Social Media Tricks, Reviews, Market Research And More: Olympus Lens Cap Memory

Friday, December 19, 2008

Olympus Lens Cap Memory

My father bought his very own and the first DSLR, the Olympus E-510 at the early year of 2008. He was offered with a quite tempting price, that is RM2500 with kit lens, polarizing filter, a UV filter, screen protector, a bag, a tripod and a 2Gb memory card by a seller at Foto Flash camera shop at Jaya Jusco. Now the camera was nearly one year old. I grumbled a lot about the camera but at the end I know that it was my fault- I didn't know how to use the camera properly. Well what did you expect about this camera? To be 100% perfect? Well, I admitted that every camera had its own defects including this camera....

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