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Thursday, December 12, 2024

I Guess There Are Softwares Which Automatically Choose Which Frames To Filter Colors To Games Color Palettes

 Automated filtering moving landscapes, moving objects, etc, these softwares which choose number of frames and filters to games colours using color, colours palettes to make animations for games, which then let users to edit.

Controllers Softwares For Games Motion Paths

 Defining motion paths can be make by recording short animations of characters, objects extracted with corresponding controllers responses just like directions of arrows, the AB four buttons, other buttons on controllers, such as press arrow left character walk left animation initiated by placing animation of character walk left animation files layering changeble backgrounds it will loop walk left if long press left arrow, etc, repeatedly walk left if short press walk left arrow... all types of these motiomn paths animation files required to be place at this new softwares. For other reponses require other animations files, well, depend on some softwares which has combined chips, integrated circuit chips, raw data will be shown if user press setting button.

Controllers Softwares

 New softwares for all types controllers, devices for controlling games, keyboard, mouse can be use to combine with other types of softwares for motion paths drawing motion paths for extracted objects, etc from white background 360 degrees products cameras, extracted objects, etc from other cameras, particles emitters and its camera, and extracted from files.

Patents at Games

You can check if any writtens at blog post are patented, I will definitely mention the patent owner if some are patented, chances are patented, if those writtens not patented you can just take them and patents them, thanks see you again.

Editing Animations Use By Game Objects, Characters

 Such as floating animations, other types of animate motion just like the power point, the editing of other else of games are at later stage of game making, there are patented colours with distances from Nintendo which patent and experiment colour, mixtures of colours with spaces, small to large, short to long distances colours, sometimes these colours are seen at unreal engines, you can define pattern at the colours to use the coloyrs at the colour palettes.These coloyr, colours, which transferrable between softwares are so convenient which just require some inventions of new softwares.

Scaling Cost Of Games Productions

 Because the toys, mockups are small to large so there are just depend on the cost of production are they small cost, large cost production. Human size characters can be fitted to games dimensions, size so the small toys can be enlarged by taking with camera which shown size of the images, high definition images will do for games.

Moving Landscapes Videos

 Moving landscapes videos can be taken by normal cameras, 360 degree products cameras, particles cameras, which can make videos which require invention, extraction of videos to 10 photos animations using softwares which accept 10 screen shots to 10 photos equivalent which animated after the extraction and filtered with unreal engine colour, colours, define pattern,, automated extraction software.


Non-Standard Controllers Flight Games Flight Controllers

 Same to car controllers, flight controllers with controllers brands added more with steerings, flight system available from types of flight...