Shu Ying The Blogger, Online Streaming, Social Media Tricks, Reviews, Market Research And More: Hypnotizing Ourselves

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Hypnotizing Ourselves

 A lot of time we tend to not be ourselves because others look 100 percents better than us and it really frustrates us. We have to be like them, it is already been a standard which we have to follow, so we just follow it.

So it is a question of why people choose not being themselves? Since being ourselves are great and amazing. So when we start to follow new standards it looks awkwards, why don't just make ourselves more perfect, and make people recognize our good habits, our good culture.

Not being ourselves most of the time is because of work and pursue something, which make us change. Sometimes we have to be ourselves  again and hypnotizing ourselves, sometimes your friend started to says hey friend you look not like yourself again, and you replied sorry friend I have to hypnotize myself again to become the friend you used to.

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