Shu Ying The Blogger, Online Streaming, Social Media Tricks, Reviews, Market Research And More

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Apps of Google Gif


I made parody fan arts of apps from google, they are in gif version.

Photography Book Based on DSLR Becomes Unusable


When I bought camera which is not a DSLR, the books based on DSLR become unusable. 

The Biodata Book Everybody Wrote in The Past


Do you remember when you are a kid, you get presents and don't know why they know your favourites? It will be explained in this video.

Friday, July 16, 2021

Writing Short Essay From Words Of Wisdom Challenge


Here is the essay, the numbers shows the word of wisdoms in the essay. There are total of 6 word of wisdoms in this essay. With minimum addition of other words. You would see I cancel out 5 words in essay below compared to the video, word counts total 76 words:  

Since God has a sense of humor , why don’t he laugh (1), God always have to tell people to be prepared for difficult times(2), therefore he has no time to laugh. God always tell people to end negative thinking as blaming others is silly(3). Every night God always reminding to write down your fears to make them separate from you(4). We must practice empathy(5), because God says giving something back to society can make you feel better(6).


(A short essay)


What Laboratory of Product Invention, Product Innovation Suppose To Look Like?

 The ways people find out what products to announce, introduce next to the public is what this laboratory is all about. People used to ask w...